[FM] Lust in the ancient ruins

This is a story a friend told me about something she did on holiday once. The details are mine but the gist is real enough.


I liked to pretend I was innocent back then. It was partly some fucked up id trip – I was trying to be the person my conservative parents wanted me to be. But on the other hand it was a reaction to that: I knew my desires and I knew what I was capable of. The innocent look was a temptation to turn heads and stiffen cocks.

I’m Olivia, though most people call me Oli. It sounds tomboyish and on some days I live up to that. I’m short (but not that short), with curved hips and a small bust; hair in a severe bob. A timeless beauty. Ha.

I was in Greece when this all happened, and I was 22. It was a Girls’ holiday. Me and some university friends. They were hungover and I signed up for a sightseeing trip to the archaeological ruins. I had a feeling something good was going to happen; or maybe I set out to find trouble. Either way it was a good day.