An Old Flame, New Friend. (Real) [M/FF]

It’s 1am. For the first time I have nothing to do. Deciding that I don’t want my night to end I go through my phone. Scrolling down the list of texts, mostly groupchats, until finally I found the number I was looking for. I haven’t hung out with her in a while. I text her and she told me to come over, I said I’ll be over by 1:30. It’s 1:10 and as I’m getting into an Uber I get a direct message on Instagram. My heart starts racing. It reads your name and it says come over right now. My heart sank because you were the only girl, at the time, to make me feel anything close to intimacy. Our times were great. But things ended so poorly. I message you back that I can’t tonight but tomorrow for sure. I can almost feel the disappointment in your message.

Best Friend Caught Me Masturbating (tease, short, caught) [M/F]

I’m bored out of my mind. I just got done working out and I lay on the bed with nothing planned. I look at my window staring into the virgin night sky trying my best to figure out what to do with my time. I lay back put my headphones in and start scrolling. I figured that I’m not doing anything anyway so I take my pants off and throw them down. My body is still recovering from my workout still loose but all my muscles still bigger than usual. I reach down and feel myself grow as I scroll attempting to find a video. I finally find one and hit play. That’s when you walked in. My front door was open, as always, my room door was also open. You look around and see the open door. You walk forward and stop in your tracks and stare. Blood rushes to your face and you cover your mouth, but you can’t stop looking, as I slowly move my hands up and down my extra toned body. You bite your finger and inch forward. You feel yourself getting hotter. I start to move faster and you feel yourself getting excited. Trying desperately not to touch yourself. I look up and catch you staring, was shocked at first. You yell you’re sorry and that you should’ve knocked. Still naked and not covered up I tell you it’s okay and that I’m comfortable in my body. I getting up slowly, you stand still. Your heart beating faster and harder, so much so you feel each beat through your whole body, especially between your legs. I put my underwear and pants on and ask to what do I owe the visit. You said you just got done babysitting and decided to visit randomly. I smile and gesture to you to sit on the bed.

A Friendly Competition (tease, pov, short) [M/F]

We’ve been friends for years. Our bond is undeniable, long talks about everything and nothing all at the same time. You’d always come to me about guy trouble and I’d periodically tell you about my escapades. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you last. I tell you to come over and let’s catch up, I also mention I have a bottle of wine that my last girl didn’t finish for you. Discontent with receiving someone’s “leftovers” you begrudgingly agree.

You come over, it’s late, the sun has long since set. You come in and we sit on the couch in my living room. My roommate isn’t home but he should be coming back later. We talk for a while and you eventually finish the bottle of wine. Feeling good you want to put on some music in the background and start scrolling through the options. You get to my playlist labeled “pillow talk” and get intrigued.

Getting too hot in the hot tub [M/F]

It has been a long day. I get home from work and throw my keys down. I go straight to my bed and lay down, looking at my window as the sun seems like it will be setting soon on this summer evening. I realized that I can’t waste such a beautiful day. I look out to see that the hot tub is empty. I spring up out of my bed and strip out of my work clothes. Stopping to stare in the mirror for a bit before I put swim shorts on that are just a bit too tight and shirt to match. I get down and as I’m walking over I notice I you in the hot tub bubbles on reading a book. You look up at me and blush. I’m pleasantly confused, but nonetheless determined to unwind on this beautiful day. The sky now a mosaic of purple, orange and red, I slowly take my shirt off and once again caught your glare. I walk in slowly giving you a stare of my own as I step in. You dart your eyes up from the book a few more times. I asked you what you’re reading. You said it was just some book your sister bought you. Not breaking my gaze I reworded my question to ask you the title. Sensing that I was not going to be satisfied with a half answer, you relent and tell me it’s an erotic novel, still would not give me the name. I still stare with a smirk letting your sentence marinade in silence. I then break the tension asking you why you couldn’t stop staring at me. You rebutled by saying that I haven’t even asked your name yet. Finding your defensiveness cute I tell you “Names are unimportant, but if you want to know what you’ll be yelling later, it’s Sean”. You hide your face with your book and say “That’s incredibly bold and presumptuous, I’m Chelsea”. You extend your hand for a hand shake, I take your hand, kiss it and tell you “I only know how to be bold, Chelsea”, “No ring, maybe I’ll change that” you smile and look away. “Well no that we’re acquainted, why don’t you inform me why you were staring so hard.”. You look down in embarrassment and point up to my window, open and clearly visible from where we are sitting.

A new flame [M/F]

It has been a slow day. I turn to the clock to see it’s 8 pm. The sun is setting on what was a particularly rainy summer day. However looking out it seems all the rain has passed. I get a call from my friends, they tell me that they are dying to go out after being trapped inside all day. I agree but I have no energy for the upcoming night. I take a cold shower to wake me up letting the water drip down my body after beating on my face. I can’t help but think how long it has been since I’ve shared a bed with someone. The cold water and empty thoughts didn’t help my current lackluster state. Still I get ready, throwing on my clothes. I meet with my friends and they share the same sentiment that I was feeling but reassured me that the night was ours. I couldn’t help but feel like even when I would share my time with a partner in bed the connection was fleeting and the experience was mediocre, methodical even. What should be a good feeling felt like work. But all that was about to change.