[M]y spanking session with a [f]reaky college girl

This was two summers ago (late summer 2019). I had been in a relationship for ~3 years that ended earlier that summer, and so I was on tinder for most of June/july/august. Not doing much, but messaging and dating occasionally. Honestly hoping to get back together with my ex, until a Friday night when I heard from a mutual friend that my ex was starting to date a co-worker of hers. Some jerk that I had never liked. I was pissed, and horny from a week of tinder chats with no sex.

I just wanted someone to take out steam on/fuck like a toy (my ex had been a submissive little thing). I messaged a dozen girls I had matched with/chatted with that week that I needed stress relief from a girl who “knew her place.” Most didn’t respond, and a couple unmatched, but I had a couple bites. One was a college senior who had been talking with me about her major/last year of classes earlier that week… She was a foot shorter than me, much younger, a little soft but curvy, curly brown hair and a big butt. Her initial response was a simple “You can use me Daddy.”