Fulfilling an R4R while on vacation [FM]

Obligatory mobile formatting comment

After being sent home and for all practical purposes stuck in my one-bedroom apartment, I took up an old past time again – posting pictures for Reddit. I’m lucky enough to be able to work from home but all that means is I’ve been masturbating practically every day since March. Who needs to wear pants, or keep their hands to themselves when I can mute myself during meetings?

Unfortunately, everyone I play with lives states away and I haven’t had any luck in my area for a new fwb. So I began keeping an eye on my state’s R4R. No one usually posts for my city but I knew I’d be traveling through a well-frequented city on a trip coming up. And then I saw it. A non-serial killer vibe post with a desire for pawgs. 6 foot, muscular 185 with brown hair and blue eyes. I took the chance and messaged him.