Dating site stranger

This story is from a friend who has a new reddit account and can’t post yet. I believe her username is u/MegMe. I am hoping she comments first so any messages can be sent to her.

So just to give a few details:
I am a curvy girl with shoulder length black hair, glasses and a few tattoos.
My stranger:
Same length as I am, black hair, beard, ear ring on the left ear, brown eyes, slim. (not that I think he exercise)

So we had been chatting quite a few days on a dating site but neither of us could decide weather we actually wanted to meet. For various reasons neither of us could host the other one. And both of us were scared about meeting in person. But eventually we decided to just do it.

So the day before we met we set up a few ground rules:

No talking.
I am not allowed to initiate.
I am not allowed to touch him.
When we stop at undisclosed location I have to sit on my hands and allow him to wander and do what he needs.

after the work party [m/f] [long]

A little background: I am a 180cm, 96 kg male with very long hair. Anna is a petite Blond girl with curves in every spot you want them. She is about 165cm tall Cathy is my little redhead goddess, really large breasts, an ass and legs for days. She is about 160cm tall.

There is a long build up, but if you want to get to the sex, skip down to the stars.

On Thursday I got to meet Anna for the first time. And within minutes I made her blush with a few compliments and well-timed remarks about being tied up. Cathy found this hilarious. We were at a work party and naturally when things wound down, the 3 of us went in search of some more places to party. While driving to the next party with Anna in the car with us Cathy dropped the bomb on her: “You know we are in an open relationship right?” Silence from the back. “if you want to Borrow him for a while all you need to do is ask.” That seemed to do the trick. Anna had tons of questions. There was a lot of flirting back and forth and all sorts of personal questions being asked, things like: “so Anna what is the last porn you watched?” “I think it was a fisting Video, not sure the last bit was a little bit of a blur if you know what I mean”