[M/F/T 18-30 + T 18-30, HJ, Fantasy, excerpt]

Allow me to explain the `M/F/T 18-30` story tag. This is a small excerpt from my textbased game where you customize the protagonist however you want: you can choose their gender (he/she/they); whether they have a penis, vagina, or both; and whether they have breasts or not. Note, this is written in second person narrative, hence you can play as male, female, trans, or enby.

This scene has a random chance of appearing when you explore areas of the forest. It’s written to be weird and include some light humor.

A large mushroom protrudes from the dirt ahead of you. It strikes you as a bit odd, not just for its size, but because there are no other mushrooms around here. Overcome with curiosity, you kneel down in front of it and stare. It has a thick, white stalk that extends several inches. The cap is wide and dark, with little bumps and ridges in various places. Definitely one of the stranger mushrooms you’ve seen.

You reach out and run your finger along the stalk. Its flesh is dry and a little spongy. As you explore the odd fungus with your touch, your fingertip brushes over the edge of the cap.

Doe girls are so cute when they’re in heat! [MF/18-25][cons,fist,taur]

The forest entrance teems with life, but that’s what you’re afraid of: monster girls live here. They’re supposed to be friendly, but you don’t know the first thing about their culture. An unintended faux pas could trigger one into attacking. Truth be told, there’s probably nothing to worry about. The odds of running into—

A flash of white catches your eye, and as you turn to face it there’s a crash and a yelp.

A Doe Girl is laying splayed out on the ground, breathing heavily. As you approach, you can only see the general outline of her humanoid torso, because she appears to have taken a spill headlong into a tangled shrub, a shrub as tall as you are.

The Doe Girl’s lower half, slender and deer-like, has four legs that occasionally flail for traction. You stand out of kicking range. It must’ve been her tail you first noticed, white underside flashing in alarm as she fled.

She seems to alternate between scrambling in mortal terror and staying utterly, eerily still. She probably thinks you’re coming to eat her.

Ever wondered how sex with a centaur would work IRL? Hint: Monster Girl Farmer, a text-based RPG you can play in your browser, has a scene called “The Horse-Fisterer.” [F/M/T/NB+F]

Monster Girl Farmer is an erotic text-based RPG. The kind of game that lets you ride a unicorn girl — and vice-versa. Your farm is failing, but your fortune takes a turn when a starving Monster Girl barges into your home. In exchange for taking her in, she’ll help you start the world’s first Monster Girl farm!

# What’s new:

– A massive amount of lewd content has been added to the chipmunk girl scene. Don’t forget to bring some carrots!

Bug Fixes:

– When Amy sleeps over, playing hard/easy/for fun wasn’t affecting the outcome of the scene. Now it does.

Technical Details:

– For player convenience, I created a test passage that allows you to jump directly to the new scene to try it out. Simply go to https://monstergirlfarmer.com?passageName=Test%20Chipmunk and from there you can play it over and over again. IF YOU ARE USING THIS URL, DO NOT SAVE OVER ANY EXISTING SAVES YOU CARE ABOUT. It’s fine to save, just don’t overwrite anything important when you do.

Anyway, that’s not what this technical issue is about: That test page had a link that was only there for automated testing. It provides no value to a real player, so I have hidden it.

A word of advice: When a dog girl presents herself, it’s considered polite to gently NUDGE HER WITH YOUR NOSE WHILE YOU SNIFF. (Monster Girl Farmer, a TEXTBASED game supporting ALL platforms)

# What’s new:

– This release contains a preview of the chipmunk scene. Dee (as she’s named) is super fast — so fast, in fact, that you’re unable to understand what she’s saying. The two of you learn to communicate through yes and no questions, playing charades, and body language. Naturally, this leads to some hilarious misunderstandings.

If you give the chipmunk girl more and more carrots, filling her cheeks, it’ll lead to a sloppy gagging scene.

The scene has a lot of options you are meant to experiment with by trying different combinations. e.g., if you perform X then Y on one visit, it should have a different outcome than performing Y then X on the next.
– Added an MGF favicon
– I worked on a lot more than this, but none of it is content related so I’ll spare you the details. If you like those kinda details, you can read about it in the changelog: https://link.monstergirlfarmer.com/change_log

[Play on any device in your browser](https://monstergirlfarmer.com)

[Download the latest version for your desktop](https://link.monstergirlfarmer.com/archive)

[Chat with me and other fans](https://link.monstergirlfarmer.com/chat_with_me)

#About the game

Touch her chest, explore her box, thumb her pearl. You guessed it! I’m talking about Monster Girl Farmer’s transforming Mimic. (Text-based game supporting ALL platforms)

# What’s new:

# 0.24.00

– This release introduces Rebecca, a mimic girl. For those unfamiliar with the concept, they transform into an inanimate object like a treasure chest and wait for a poor adventurer/poor criminal to open them up. Then the mimic ambushes them, leading to a difficult encounter.

In the context of the game, it’s her personality that is… difficult. She tests if you’re worthy to worship her (ever-transforming) body by giving you an “oral qualifying exam.” If you pass, she’ll take you under her proverbial wing, teaching you important lessons like, “shame is a sin” and, “covetous desires are a sign of faith.”

I had a lot of fun writing the scene, especially the transformation parts. As you can see, she has a bold personality and loves having power over you. You can find her by chance when you explore the forest. Just follow the trail of coins.


– At the moment, there are so many random exploration scenes, the odds of discovering the specific scene you’re looking for has become a grindfest. As a TEMPORARY solution to this problem, I’m adding [cheat codes for the $5 pledges](https://link.monstergirlfarmer.com/cheats) allowing you to jump directly to these scenes.

Monster Girl Farmer’s latest scene adds a new Golem Girl that’s so horny, you can turn her on with the press of a button. (11k words of interactive fiction)

# What’s new:

Random Scene/Quests:

– Added a massive new scene written by PunishedKom (a lewd writer and artist) and edited by me. As his first contribution — and I mean this in a good way — he went a little overboard: last I checked, the scene was just under 11,000 words! Needless to say, there’s a lot to explore.

One thing of note before I get into the details: you must have a penis to encounter this scene. If you have a penis AND vagina, that’s fine. If your pronouns are she/they, that’s fine, too. Doesn’t matter if you have breasts or not either. All that matters is if you have a penis. Neither PunishedKom nor I had enough time to add a vagina-only path, but I’d like to do so in the future.

Okay, enough blabbing, I’m sure you’re all wondering what this penis– I mean, scene, is about. While exploring, you discover a path that leads you into an isolated grove surrounded by a wall of boulders.

On the other side of them, you find a sleeping beauty with a giant ruby lodged in her chest like a big red button, waiting to be pressed.

(Text-based RPG with 250k+ words) Monster Girl Farmer 0.21 released! Ant girl oral, threesome with a Dog Girl, lift and carry, and a brand new quest (Supporting ALL platforms) [Any/F]

# About this release

New content since the last major release:

# 0.21.00

– Added a new image: Amy’s intro!


– I missed a major implementation detail in the quest system. This will help me write quests easier in the future.

Bug Fixes:

– Fixed some pronoun issues in the “Sophie apologizes” scene

Random Scene/Quests:

– I added the first official quest to the game. To unlock it, complete the field tutorial and visit town. You’ll find someone in the town square you can talk to. This quest has a lot of different routes and an ethical choice to be made. It’s in the demo, so I hope it gives people an idea of how complex quests could be in the future.

I’d love your feedback on it. PS: There is a bit missing from this that will be added in a matter of days: I will be color coding the quest and adding better pagination. The cultivator currently has no effect and does not show up in your inventory. These will be fixed in a matter of days.

# 0.20.04

(Text-based RPG) Monster Girl Farmer v0.20 released. Strip poker with a Dog girl and Ant girl! Play your cards right and it’ll lead to a threesome. (Supporting ALL platforms!)

# About this release

Here are the official release notes:

# 0.20.00

– The main appeal of this release is a scene between you and Amy and Eva. It’s so freaking epic, it caused me to release 4 days later than I’d like (I shoot for releasing on the 10th of every month). The scene has got it all: wholesome interactions, lots and lots of choices, gambling, and some kinky lewd content. Hope you like butt stuff. Eva the dog girl joins in! Being able to lewd her is literally the most requested scene in the game.
– Last release, I wrote a large scene between Amy and Sophie, but I didn’t have enough time to include any interactions if Eva was following you. Now, Eva content has been added to the scene.


A farmer, an ant girl, and a centaur fight and make up. So wholesome, you’ll leak tears of joy from every hole. (Text-based RPG)

# About this release

Hello all! I’m happy to report there’s a new Monster Girl Farmer release! I’m really proud how the latest scene turned out. I wasn’t going for something wholesome, but as I kept writing, it just fit. The scene is important, because it’s follow-up opens the floodgates for new monster girls! That’s gonna be great. I’m especially looking forward to them setting up their own shops. I hope you’ll try it out and let me know what you think.

Here are the official release notes:

(Interactive Fiction) Monster Girl Farmer v0.18 released! More artwork, more dog girl, more farming mechanics!

# About this release

Hello all! I’m happy to report that there is a new Monster Girl Farmer release. This one focuses on farming mechanics, scenes — both random and focused on your pet monster girl — and some brand-new artwork.

Regarding the new artwork, there is a new logo for the game featuring Eva the dog girl as the center of attention. And let’s not forget a new image of Sophie where she is the centaur of attention.

There is a new scene when you unlock the ability to use your field, and there are over ten new scenes to discover while you explore the forest.

Some of the scenes give you seeds which segues nicely into the major gameplay mechanic of this release: you can now find seeds scattered throughout the world and plant them in your field. When they grow into crops, you can sell them for money or gift them to monster girls to gain their affection.

In addition, you can now enrich your field with soil you purchase at the general store. This’ll give you a status effect that increases your crop yield.