Hypno toy from work [f21, f25, m25] [forced obedience]

have a think back to another day for me a day you were in the break room sitting down before starting, not in the best mood. You remember david walking in and taking no extra particular notice then u would any other day

He walked by, rather close you didnt turn to see him but you knew it mustve been close as a slight shiver was sent through your entire body. As you felt that shiver shake you down, his hands wrapped around from behind grabbing you wrists and pulling them back, you felt a wave of panic, he was way stronger than u ever realised

As u struggled with ur arms pulled back towards behind the chair you were once sitting comfortably in, the door opened and closed, you were relieved, someone else was in to help you however that suddenly changed a pendant was hanging infront of you, your struggling slowed. You were focused on it when you heard a voice “you remember me dont you pet” the voice said very dominantly. As the sentenced finished stepping into view was lola, you replied with a leangthy breathy but yet soft response “yes” pausing witha few deep outloud breaths before responding “of course”