[MF] My once in a lifetime, what-if opportunity with the girl of my dreams [long] [part 1?]

I’m finally at a point where I can talk about this without going insane. Here’s my will-they-or-won’t-they story that I’m writing now given some inspiration from some awesome posts these past weeks. I’ve actually had this written for a while now but never submitted. All of this insanity ended around three months ago.

I lead a small team in a finance company in the US. 32, 5’11, 190lb, I enjoy the outdoors but I’m certainly not fit or athletic. I’d give myself a 6/10, 7/10 if you include the cuteness factor (I’ve been told I’m a very lovable person). Kelsey joined my team about a year ago and started adding immediate value to a couple of projects I was having a hard time pushing on. She’s smart and a dedicated worker. She was also fine as hell. 25, 10/10. Half French, half Japanese. Tall, shoulder length black hair, slim but with crazy curves above and below the hips. She also had the most mesmerizing big, brown eyes with an elegant nose and pillowy lips that were on the cute side of pouty. When she smiles or laughs it’s genuine and you can feel her warmth and honesty. She was just a person you could hang out with and she would make you feel like the most interesting person in the room. Can you tell how head over heals I am? From a distance she reminds me of [Kristin Kreuk](https://www.supermanhomepage.com/images/smallville/season2-04-lana.jpg).