[FM] Poker Night

If I were your wife it would be nice if you organised a poker night with a few of your friends maybe just 3. Luke and 2 others.
I’d wear something smart and sophisticated but something that showed my legs and when I bent forward I’d show enough of my cleavage to attract attention but not to show everything.
The four of you would sit around a table playing cards while I waited on you all delivering drinks and nibblies.
You would be able to see the guys discreetly watching me their eyes on my legs as I walked around the table, seeing my cleavage as I put their glasses down.
As the evening wore on and all of you had a few drinks your friends would get a little bolder, as I walked around the table one would put his arm around me when thanking me for his drink.
Another would stroke my bottom as I put more nibblies on the table.
Your friends would be aware you were there but consider it harmless play, especially with my little giggles
When I wasn’t around your friends would draw you into discussion about me.
Talking about my legs, my figure, my breasts. Luke would even ask what I was like in bed, you would just wink and say nothing.
Your card game would continue and I would continue to deliver more drinks.
Now one of your friends Luke puts his hand around me onto the back of my leg as he talks to me you can see his hand slowly rise up my legs and under my dress.
He looks at you, smiles and continues slowly stroking, moving his hand up.

[FM] Husbands Party

Recently I went to Damon’s, my husband’s work party, it was a good party however his boss spent too much time flirting with me, he even tried to hit on me a few times.
I could see Damon watching and it made me nervous but a little excited.

His boss got my mobile number I think from work records and called me a couple of days later, telling me he had to talk to me about something serious about Damon he suggested over coffee.

He told me Damon was due to be retrenched and went on about how important the role of wives was in the work dynamics and how he tried to foster a family environment, it slowly worked around to me saving Damon’s job.
A few days later Damon’s boss sent him interstate which would take him away overnight.
Damon’s boss called me that morning he was going to come over to talk more about Damon and the situation.
After about an hour of Damon’s job chat he told me if I didn’t go to bed with him my husband was gone.
I told him that wasn’t going to happen and that he should leave. He reminded me we had a mortgage, bills to pay and without a reference Damon would find it difficult to get a decent job.
I realised that I was being pushed into a corner and had no way out.