G[F] punished [M]e for accidently leaking a pic of her on my reddit post…

Hi All,

Thought I’d write this up to show you guys what sacrifices i made to bring you Mine and Lucy’s story.

Obviously I posted the finale to our story and without checking the messages between me and Lu not realising I didn’t cover her picture.

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/le8tt9/i_20_m_was_blackmailed_by_neighbour_19_f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lekvoo/i_20_m_was_blackmailed_by_neighbour_19_f_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

[Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lfxuz2/i_20_m_was_blackmailed_by_neighbour_19_f_part_3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


She came home after work hopped on Reddit for the first time to reply to your questions and she saw what i did. She sat behind me whilst i was crushing warzone thinking about my punishment and lets just say. It was difficult.

Friday Night/Sat Morning me and Lu hop into bed and she goes


“Since you showed a picture of me to your nerd friends, I’m going to have punish you”

I eagerly reply thinking she’s joking “Oh no what do you want to do to me Lu” as i tried kiss her

She stops me by placing her hand on my face

“For the next 12 hours you can’t touch me in anyway. If you do the limit goes up an hour” She stated with a stern look so i knew she was being serious but i had to check

I 20 [M] was blackmailed by Neighbour 19 [F] – Finale

Well guys it’s been a fun run :) Here’s the final part you all asked for! Be sure to read to end. Much Love – Nay

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/le8tt9/i_20_m_was_blackmailed_by_neighbour_19_f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lekvoo/i_20_m_was_blackmailed_by_neighbour_19_f_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

[Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lfxuz2/i_20_m_was_blackmailed_by_neighbour_19_f_part_3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

*My mind was fucked. I was hit with instant guilt and dread. I quickly realised i wanted to be with Lucy but afraid I’ve just fucked it up beyond repair. I started to hate myself for destroying Lucy’s feelings and disregarding them over my petty jealously.*

*I quickly fell asleep shortly after. (Guess fucking and thinking is knackering)*

*I woke up the next morning, and you will have to wait for part 4?*

I awoke the following day with pure guilt but i was determined what i wanted. All the pieces finally fit into my head but could i salvage Lucy?

I snapped her

“Can we talk please”

No response

I snap again

“Lu, please”

No response

I decide fuck it, I’m going over there. I casually throw on some shorts and a gym top and head over.

I knocked on to no avail. She was completely avoiding me I must’ve knocked for a good 10mins before i hear

I 20 [M] was blackmailed by Neighbour 19 [F] – Part 3

Ok again, thanks for support on the first 2 parts!

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/le8tt9/i_20_m_was_blackmailed_by_neighbour_19_f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lekvoo/i_20_m_was_blackmailed_by_neighbour_19_f_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

I’m sorry about the delay I’ve been swamped at work.

I’m going to start this off with a brief disclaimer :

Writing this and remembering back, I realised I acted in what those would describe as a “cunt like fashion” I will allow a max of 10 comments calling me a dickhead??? This is a first come first serve basis. Again i was young and a spoilt brat, but people change!

With that out the way let’s begin

*Ok now i was pissed. But before i could snap her again, Billy appeared from her house and quickly made his way to his car and swiftly left.*

I watched as Billy the cunt drove away, i gave it a couple mins too cool myself down and finally walked over to Lucy’s house. I knocked and waited, Lucy came within a moments notice and opened the door with a coy smile as if to say “Got you” . I wasn’t smiling, even though i calmed down on the outside, on the inside i was still pissed.

“Come in” she said

I 20 [M] was blackmailed by Neighbour 19 [F] – Part 2

Wow, I post part 1 not thinking too much about it and go about my day. Come back home and it’s on fire. Much appreciated guess you guys really wanted part 2 so here we go :) I’m about to pass out to sleep after this so I’ll answer your comments tomorrow.

I left you on all on a cliff hanger didn’t i … It was funny briefly reading all your comments speculating who i picked etc.

Some of you eluded to it but yes I’m an Aussie however I’m also half Brit so you can imagine whatever accents you want ahaha.

Let’s Begin

*I turned around to meet her gaze, The internal war inside of me began, “Do i leave and accept the beating from Mum and knowing that mine and Lucy’s relationship has changed forever? And continue with Alyssia who I’ve liked for years. OR Do i go back and join Lucy, a girl i once treated as somewhat family, pleading for me to stop and stay with her.” I stood there facing her door, I contemplated both options. I don’t know why but my head said Alyssia but my heart said Lucy for some unknown reason. Ultimately, My…*

I 20 [M] was blackmailed by Neighbour 19 [F]

Yes this is a 2nd account not my main ( Don’t want unnecessary reddit perverts LOL)

Should start by saying take the title with a grain of salt, This happened in 2019 I.E pre-covid.

I’m start this by giving you a brief description of Me and Lucy “The Neighbour” .

When this happened I was 20, I’m not your typical 20 year old, I’ve hit the gym hard since 14 and have amassed a lot of size. I’m around 6ft1′ tall with brown hair and green eyes. I have a slight natural tan but still very much a white guy.

I skipped going to Uni and instead opted for a job in accounts studied whilst learning. Obviously, i kept in touch with a lot my mates so every weekend was pretty much hardcore parties, Festivals etc before i get too carried away.

Lucy! Lucy is 1 year younger than me (19 at the time). We went to same school and our families are rather close. Her mum is best friends with my mum. Lucy is around 5ft2′ , a light brunette with hazelnut brown eyes. She definitely has curves, her tits around a comfortable C cup, but her arse is *Insert breath-taking meme here*. I assume she got into from playing field hockey for years.