He [M] blew his load in all three of my holes [F] (Part 1)

My ex (35M) and I (29F) have been sleeping together for the better part of the last year. I am still madly in love with him, and while a part of me knows he does not feel the same, I’m ok with putting my emotions on the back burner for some amazing sex…which is what we have together. A couple months ago he took my anal virginity, in fact before him I was not into butt stuff, and now almost 2 years later I am begging him to fuck me in my asshole.

I [F] gave into my ex [M] again.

My ex (35M) and I (28F) have had a tumultuous summer that ended in a lot of great sex, but also led to too many emotions for me to even control. It had been weeks since I had spoken with him in an attempt to give him his space when he texted me. My heart fluttered and while I tried to put it all behind me I couldn’t help but respond to him. What started off as an innocent enough and friendly conversation ended in us sexting one another and him suggesting me going to his house. I attempted to hold my ground and fend off his advance. I made sure he was aware that as much as I’d like to have amazing meaningless sex with him the problem lay in that it wouldn’t be meaningless to me. He then dropped the bombshell on me that it wouldn’t be meaningless to him either and went on to explain that while he would like a relationship with me, he just isn’t ready for that just yet.

My [F] ex [M] recently helped me fulfill my fantasy of being fucked outdoors.

My (28F) ex (35M) and I have been getting to know each other again, mostly through sex. I want more, but we’ve decided to take things slow as far as a relationship goes. We’ve come up with the compromise not to be just fuck buddies, but to casually date each other- no labels, no commitment, just spending time with one another with a possibility of it going further if we both decide to later down the road. I’ve vowed not to be super clingy and let my emotions get the best of me and he has vowed to put in more effort despite his busy life.

The night that changed everything with me [F] and my ex [M]

As with many of you, this whole pandemic came to me at a completely horrible time. I had a nasty break-up at the end of last year with a man who I had fallen so hard for. After months of therapy and self-discovery I found that I still had feelings for him. Feelings that wouldn’t just go away no matter how hard I tried. I cared so deeply for him, I still do. In February I decided I was going to fight for what I wanted. I tried my best to woo him, and it worked to an extent. While things are still unknown and maybe a little messy we’ve found each other again, at least in a sexual sense.