## It brings me great shame to be writing this story, but here we are again…
If you have no idea what I’m talking about, then quickly go read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aoe62m/we_mf_tried_to_hire_an_escort_for_a_threesome_in/) about the first time we tried hiring an escort and come back to me.
## Anyway, here’s what happened
Our first day back in gods country – aka Saigon – didn’t turn out as planned. What started as a beautiful day sitting in a coffee shop watching motorbikes whizz by soon turned into a day spent in hospital (a story for another time).
After we finally left the hospital and being mentally drained we decided we needed a drink. I’ve been really getting into Korean Dramas since being in Asia, so naturally, I’ve started drinking soju. After grabbing a few bottles from the local convenience store we head to the park. What nobody warns you about soju is that it taste like candy but its extremely alcoholic. It doesn’t take you long to get fucked up.