Oh, Miss… [Primal, hunted, CNC, choking, losing consciousness]

First time posting. Enjoy?

*TW: CNC, Choking, Losing Consciousness*

It’s been leading up to this, the way you looked at me when we met, I knew I was going to be your prey in some way; your eyes piercing into me so fiercely I had to look away. You approached me, grasped my hand, and introduced yourself. I was petrified. I had to physically will myself to breathe, look up, and reply in turn. Your smirk was knowingly evil, I thought I could ward you off with returning your strong handshake, but that made your smirk twist into a smile that lured me in, and made my eyes wide with fear.

“Ma’m, I can help you here.” The timid young bank teller snapping me from my trance, I snatched my hand away, turned on my heels, and went about my business. I could have sworn I heard a chuckle from behind me as I fled to the teller.  Almost simultaneously, the spot next to me vacated and you were silently, suddenly next to me, just as swiftly going about your business as I. He’s trying to catch up. A thought flitted across my mind, no, no no, there was nothing wrong with that interaction, I thought. Nothing wrong with this reality just my reality.