Confessions of a Username (Part IV) – A Sensual Massage


I drove my girlfriend to the airport and immediately felt a sense of freedom. On my way back home, I was already thinking what I could do to extinguish the urge for some kind of sexual contact who could satisfy my hidden desires. I thought the solution was to have a really intense sex-related session without intercourse and finally get rid of this ever-present feeling of lust. It was a feeling that affected my clarity of thinking and, as much as I tried to, I could not repress it. I simply had to do something in order to move on with my life.

After some internet research that included a dominatrix and a beautiful green-eyed escort, I decided to start the journey with a sensual massage and booked a session for the following weekend. An escort would be too much, but a sensual massage would be in a grey zone that I felt comfortable with, thinking that I was merely going to have my ass and legs very well handled by a professional masseuse and maybe some soft touches on my genitals. The massage world was foreign to me, although I found it weird that the website included a catalogue of beautiful girls with naughty pictures of them. I did not want to have any sexual intercourse, but the feeling of being naked and touched seemed to be enough at the time.

Confessions of a Username (Part III) – A semi autobiographical story [MF]


The urge for different kinds of sex was taking over me and I urgently needed to try something new. I felt that I was losing my temper for repressing very strong sexual desires. Even though I had concluded that a more controlled digital sex life would be needed, I still had things to try that my relationship would not allow. Little by little, I started to rationalize things and what once seemed evil, now seemed totally reasonable. Maybe I was going mad or my brain chemicals took over me, but I felt human and alive by doing things naturally without fearing the consequences. Living dangerously brought a sense of freedom, or so it seemed – I did not have to hide anything from anyone, I could accept myself entirely and I could satisfy my sexual needs. At least this is what I wanted, but a part of me knew that I could lose my life as I knew it and the future could be filled with suffering for something I did while not being in the right state of mind.

Confessions of a Username (Part II) – A semi autobiographical story [MF]


Things were great with my girlfriend and I forced myself to get into a more spiritual driven life. I Decided to ignore the material world and the life of the body and seek my real identity in a way that excluded virtual sex. I wanted to know how I could redeem myself from the vain glory of my overly sexualized digital life. I started this redemption by telling my girlfriend a half truth about what I did. I told her I talked to girls who sent me pictures of her body and she did not talk to me for a month. I still to this day don’t know if it was a moment of weakness to tell her this or if my spiritual path would demand this action from me, but a big weight was released from my shoulders. I feared losing her forever and my mind was tortured for a month, but in the end I felt better because she got some revenge on me after what I did to her.

Confessions of a Username (Part I) – Semi autobiographical story [MF+]

Summer came and the intense heat made me obsessed with bodies. Including my own. I was exercising and feeling good, taking pictures of my naked self and posting them online, and was feeling a need to try different things sexually – to explore my hidden sexual desires. My girlfriend was far away at the time and we haven’t seen each other in 3 months. I missed touching the skin of her soft and round butt, caressing her cheeks and biting her nipples. Our sex was not evolving but I always appreciated her body. She was very feminine with a classical beauty, not the typical model we can see nowadays. Her hips were wide and her thighs were strong. She had a good body to spank and she could handle extraordinary sexual efforts. She looked like a modern Venus or a roman sculpture – a natural woman. Her pussy was small and perfect and she was very pudic. She would get aroused only if I started to touch her, but she would never take initiative. However, once she felt comfortable (which could take a long time), she could relax and deliver herself to the passions of wild sex.