Hello, baby [MF, Oral]

She greeted him naked, but covered by a light lingerie robe, hiding her tits but exposing the rest of her. “Oh babe,” he growled at her, “you are so sexy.” He covered her mouth with his, pushing his tongue between her lips and grinding into her, hard. They kissed with passion, every time . No light pecks, no gentle touches. They devoured each other. He dropped him briefcase and kicked off his shoes, his mouth never leaving hers, bringing one hand to her neck and the other to her waist. “I want to fuck you,” he whispered in her ear, finally breaking their kiss. She felt that familiar tingle between her legs as she smiled and replied her usual, “Fuck me now, baby.”

He pushed her to the bed and she let her robe slide from her shoulders exposing her tits. He took one nipple into his mouth and then the other, lightly biting and sucking. “Harder,” she begged, and he bit her left nipple, the one that makes her come. Sucking on her, her brought his hand up to her hair, grabbing a handful and pulling her head back. She moaned as he worked her over, passion building in her core. Leaving her breast, he removed what was left of the robe while continuing to pull her hair. “Lick my pussy,” she told him, “now.”

Mad Men [MF, office]

She watched him as he moved through the office. No one wore a tie anymore, but he did and it was beautiful on him. It accentuated his lean torso and gave him this Don Draper air that made her want to pitch campaigns for cigarettes and Wonder Bread while laying naked on his office couch.

“What is wrong with me?” she thought, turning her attention back to the ad copy she was writing. She turned to her friend in the next cubicle. “How many different ways can I say ‘access to healthcare’ before I lose my mind?”

“Ms. Jones, do you have a problem with your current assignment?”

Her face froze as she realized he had changed course and was standing over her. She turned, eyes wide and a little scared.

“N-n-no,” she stammered, “just, um, collaborating, with Julie.”

”Can I see you in my office?” he asked. He turned and she got up to follow him.

“Shit!” she muttered, though still admiring his ass as she followed him. He held the door as she entered his plush corner office, closing it behind her.

Occupied [MF] [public]

She gazed across the table, watching him with his head lowered, slowly stirring his Old Fashioned. They had been dating for a couple months and had a connection that was electric. Their first kiss had awakened her, stirred something primal that left her wanting more. Since then, they had had a couple hot and heavy nights in his car, and one failed attempt that was ruined by her roommate coming home unexpectedly. Tonight though, she wanted him. And she was going to make that abundantly clear.

He looked up from his drink, and gave her his signature slightly crooked but very seductive smile.

“Can I have your cherry?” She asked with a wink. His smile broadened and he pulled the liquor soaked fruit from his cocktail. “We are a little old for cherries, don’t you think?” She laughed lightly and put her hand over his. Guiding it to her mouth, she put her lips around the cocktail stirrer, sliding the cherry slowly off and holding it between her teeth. “You are so hot,” he whispered.

Breakfast in Bed [MF]

She was running up what felt like a never ending hill. Someone was behind her but she didn’t know who. Trees began to uproot as the earth rose in front of her. Her feet became like lead weights and her whole body began to tingle. It felt, good, and out of place. Slowly she realized that someone was touching her, hands were on her breasts and her thighs. Lips caressed her taught stomach. Her subconscious began to understand that this was a dream, and a good one. She began to awake despite her desire to stay in this surreal fog of pleasure.

Her eyes opened, slowly, but the dream seemed to continue. Hands were still on her breasts, lips were exploring her inner thighs. She looked down at her lover’s head, moving between her legs. He was teasing her awake, slowly stroking her breasts, kissing her thighs, rubbing his palm against the satin of her panties.

He sensed her slight movement and looked up at her. With a seductive smile he whispered, “Morning, babe,” and placed a kiss between her legs, over satin and lace. She moaned and he deepened the pressure, drawing the wisp of fabric aside with a finger so his lips touched her core. Exposing her more, he expertly slid his tongue into her, exploring, discovering that she was already wet for him.

Drunk After Dinner [MF]

They fell out of the bar, hand in hand and laughing, into the late night. The streetlights were just bright enough for him to see the desire in her eyes. He pulled her into their Uber and she tripped slightly, falling against him in the back seat, lingering just a little too long. She pulled away reluctantly and he slowly reached across her, closing the car door but letting his hand rest on her thigh.

“Are you a little drunk, baby?”, he asked, with a slow smile.

“Shhh” she whispered. “I am, in fact, perfectly tipsy,” she replied, putting a thin, well-manicured finger against his lips.

He parted his lips slightly and she hooked her finger over his bottom lip. He closed his mouth and gently sucked her in, moaning while she sighed. His hand moved higher on her thigh, inching under her skirt. She gasped as his fingers touched the lace of her panties.

“Not here,” she whispered, glancing up at the rear view mirror, hoping not to make eye contact with their driver.

“Just a little touch, babe” he whispered back, running his fingers back and forth between her legs, scratching gently at the taught lace covering her.