How I met my future wife [MF]


Recently, I asked my dream girl to marry me. She said yes.

I wanted to dedicate a story to her because she’s is one of the most impactful persons in my life.

As I was in college, and I didn’t meet the criteria to get a place in college dorms, I had to rent an apartment. I lived with 2 roommates. As we got our bachelor’s degrees they didn’t proceed to get a master’s as I did. So I found myself in an apartment with an empty living room and an empty bedroom while my rent remained the same. I realized that I had to find at least one new roommate to split the expenses, so I posted an ad on Facebook.

Soon, a girl called me and asked when she could see the apartment. We appointed the meeting the next day.

I told her the address and waited in front of the building to meet her.

After a few minutes, I saw her calling me. I answered and while talking with her I saw a girl across the street holding a phone. I realized that it was probably her and waved so she could see me.

Sauna club [MF]

Here’s part 2. Read [part 1]( first.

As I said, I agreed to go on a trip with her.

And a few days after I agreed, the day came.

It was early in the morning. I dressed up nicely. I even put on a shirt which I don’t do very often and had 2 other shirts on a hanger. I went up to her apartment to be a gentleman and help her carry luggage. She opened up dressed in a Desigual dress. As always, she looked precious.

Actually, it was winter, so we both had jackets in our hands but we clearly wanted to impress each other. Or we were simply too excited to feel cold.

She appreciated the gesture and asked if I would like a cup of coffee and something to eat before we go. But I was fine.

We took the elevator down to the garage. I didn’t know which car she drives, but there was a Porsche Panamera parked and she was walking towards it. I never thought of what car she could drive. Until we came close to it and she opened the trunk I didn’t believe I would sit in one of these cars. I’ve put her and my suitcases in it. Luckily we both had smaller suitcases because there’s not much room for more in its trunk.

[M]assage [F]or the lady

I’m not sure if I said this before. I’m a physiotherapist. That’s what I went to college for, and that’s what I do for a living now.

And let me tell you, in my +10 years of career, I’ve seen a lot of naked people. Most of them came to me for a professional massage, kinesiotherapy, or any other physiotherapeutic procedures that I offered.

While I was in college, I had a massage table, and I offered massages at the client’s place. I had to work so I could pay for my apartment and college expenses. (Those were strictly professional massages. No sex or prostitution was involved.)

I was living in a 7-floor building with around 30 apartments. On the last floor, there were two penthouses. Now and then, when I used the elevator, I would bump into this mature lady who lived on the last floor. I knew that because I saw her many times press the number 7 in the elevator.

The birthday party [MF]

[In the previous post](, I was talking about the “Summer of the ’69”.

Well, now the story continues.

As I said, the loud-mouth Teny opened some doors for me. I’ve become an interesting person in my class. You wouldn’t believe how much a good reputation combined with a recommendation can help. Girls are simply the best wingmen or better-said wing-women.

A few months after the graduation trip, a friend from school organized his birthday party. As the whole class got in a deep level of connection after the graduation trip, he invited the whole class.

Again, lots of beer, whiskey, and vodka.

At some point, we started to play this game, sort of a bottle of truth, but not really. I won’t explain the rules of this game, but the whole point was to drink a lot or doing something that often involved kissing and sexy stuff.

It was not something you would like to play now with the Covid problem. But back then, it was a harmless game. Believe it or not, for some girls and boys, that was their first kiss.

40 years after “Summer of 69” [MFF]

Do you know the song “Summer of 69” by Bryan Adams?

I’m sure everyone has their version of the best summer in their lives.

I like winter and skiing, but I can’t deny that summer has a special flavor when it comes to sexual experiences. Actually, most of them happened during the summer. It’s hard for me to pick just one summer and say: “this was the best summer of my life” since it wouldn’t be fair towards some other great summers I had. But let’s say ’09 and ’10 were the best for me.

What was so special in 2009?

Well, besides the release of Bitcoin and the album “Invaders must die” by The Prodigy, I turned 18. I was also finishing my last year at high school (I think you, English speakers, call it “senior year”, but I’m not sure).

I have a few stories worth sharing with you, so the best way would be to start with the first one in chronological order.

Tina the wingman (wingwoman) and my [M] 2nd encounter with Myra [F]

Since you liked the [first story]( about Myra, I decided to tell you about our 2nd encounter. I encourage to read the first one to understand better the situation.

Btw… The part with Myra starts after the ********** so scroll down if you don’t mind about the rest.

…3 years later…

Since I went to college in another city, I got over Myra in a pretty reasonable way. I told myself: “It wouldn’t work anyway”. I spent only 1 whole year thinking about her. xD

The only things she left me with were a sweet memory and a great story to tell that most people don’t even believe in.

Just a memory of her was enough to spend countless nights thinking about her and about hundreds of possible ways our “relationship” could develop.

I liked her so much that I preferred to enjoy myself with closed eyes even if Pornhub was just a few clicks away. Yes… I liked her that much.

Her mother asked me if I[M] (21) would take her daughters (18) virginity

I see here a lot of very interesting stories. So I thought it would be nice to share mine.

I have a childhood friend. Let’s call her Myra. We were in the same sports club, so we encountered each other in the same gym every day for almost 8 years. I had never had any interest in her since we were children and she was 3 years younger than me. She stopped doing sports when she started going to high school. We lost all contacts, so I didn’t have the opportunity to see her for a few years.

After a few years, I encountered her and her mother, who knew me since I was a kid. It was Friday night and they were drinking outside on a bench with a bunch of people. To me, it was weird to see somebody’s mom drink with people half her age… turned out that Myra’s father would not leave her out of the house unless she had supervision, and her mother liked the idea of going out with Myra. Myra’s mother had a tough childhood and she actually didn’t have a chance to experience student’s nightlife. She enjoyed staying out. She had a pretty open-minded approach to life. It turns out Myra’s friends liked her mom (Tina) really much. They could fearlessly confess to her and seek openminded adult advice without being judged. She was a really positive person and still is.