The Intruders – [Rape Fantasy] [MMF] [Blowjob] [Vaginal] [Anal] [Foot Fetish]

Second time writing, hope you enjoy. Let me know if you want more of this story.

They came into her room in the middle of the night. She had no idea how they got in without setting the alarm off. Her family was gone until Monday, and it was only Saturday night. She slept in her bed, hair in a messy bun, curled up in a blanket, with just Nike Pros and an oversized tee shirt on. The two men left their shoes on the stairs to make less noise. The bedroom door was cracked, and they pushed it open with a low creak. She stirred but didn’t wake. They slowly crept in on the wooden floor, making as little noise as possible. One of them set his bag on the floor near the bed. Once they got close enough, one seized her legs and the other laid across her chest and covered her mouth.

Taking Control (mf) (hypnosis) (blowjob) (vaginal) (anal)

First time writing, let me know what you think :)

You arrive at the little restaurant and hop out of your Uber, thanking the driver for the ride. Once on the sidewalk, you pat your pocket to make sure you still have the pills with you. Just an inconspicuous bottle, and 5 little pills that look like Ibuprofen. You got them from your friend, Jonathan, who works in a little known science lab making experimental medications. He told you about these “Hypnosis Pills” one day while you were catching a bite to eat together. He said the lab was trying to get them approved and they had run a few successful human trials. They didn’t have any plans for them yet, just wanted to see what they could make. You thought of a ton of different ways the pills could be used in bad situations, but you believed that Jonathan had no evil intentions. He said he managed to snag a few while he was working, and that you could have them for $50 a capsule. At first you thought that was ridiculous, but then you realized all of the things you could do with them. Not to harm anyone, you’re not evil, just to pleasure yourself. You told him you would buy all of them, so you got 5 for $250. You asked him how they worked, and he said you just have someone take it, and it kicks in after about 10 minutes. It’s not obvious to those around, but you can see a noticeable shift in their mood. Their eyes turn a bit glassy. They don’t become braindead though, they’re still coherent enough to carry on with regular activities. That is until you put them deeper in the trance. Jonathan just said to make sure that once it kicks in, they know you’re the one in charge. Then they will comply with whatever you tell them to do. He said it lasts for about two hours, and after it wears off they will remember the last two hours exactly how you say they happened.