[MMF] Random fun at a Con

For the sake of subreddit rules on age I’m just going to say I was a teenager on summer vacation during high school at the time this happened. If you need to twist my arm for it, let’s say I was “18.” All guys involved were older in their 20’s.

Now that the nonsense is out of the way, this takes place (as I stated) during one of my high school summer vacations. Me and a group of my friends used to travel up to an anime/gaming/geek convention in Hartford and did so for quite a few years ever since we were young. Starting in high school, though, we were trusted enough to go up unchaperoned and only really needed a ride to and from the hotel during the event. We would typically stay 4 people or so to a room and while there are sexual related stories involved in my con-going, it was never with my friends or roommates…

Yup, this is about having sex at a con but I regret to inform you this has nothing to do with cosplay. Nobody was dressed up at any point in this story or even this trip.

[MF] When I was away in Orlando…

Had posted stuff on sexual confessions something that happened a few weeks ago and followed it up with this story. Feeling this post was pretty poorly received as it was kinda not really in the right sub I decided to repost it here with some minor edits.

Small disclaimer: Needless to say what I post is true; any names and details that could identify people might be changed as some of the stuff I’ve done could lead to people losing their jobs or fucking with their lives if it got out.

Well to start with; for those that don’t know Disney resorts have bus services that take you to and from the parks that stop right at the company-owned hotels. In general they are the best option you have to get around the property as they are fairly efficient and free though depending on the resort you stay out, they can suffer from some pretty horrendous overcrowding during peak hours and peak season leaving many nights with “standing room” only space and people packed in like sardines after a day in the hot blistering Orlando sun. The buses often have 1/3 the seating capacity compared to a Greyhound or city bus to better cram more people in standing up which sometimes works out alright, and other times leads to absurd sardine can cramped spaces.