The Test [BDSM, M/f, forced orgasm]

She was draped across his strong thighs, her stomach covering his lap, her breasts pinned beneath her and feeling the hardness in his pants. A compromising position, no doubt, to be bent over a man’s knee like nothing more than a rag doll, but one she could get used to despite the discomfort.

And oh… She moaned as his fingers sparked electricity on her skin. His hands caressed her naked body as if her skin was glass. Lighter than a feather, but enough to make her blood sing. Her breath began to come in heavier as she wondered what would befall her tonight. It didn’t feel as if he would be punishing her, making her suffer for his own pleasure as he knew she loved, but she knew him better.

Finally his touch made its way down her body to where she needed him most. She was on fire now, unable to remain still as she fell further under his spell. She felt his hot breath on her back as he teased her.

“What are you going to do to me?” Her words were a little breathier than she had hoped. He would need to teach her some self-control.

Secret Strangers [BDSM] [MMF/f] [Reluc]

*Helloooo! Another one-part fantasy of mine. Enjoy! xox Lena*

Gracie had finally come face to face with the gravity of her mistake underneath the fluorescent white light of the grimy bathroom. She struggled to keep her nerves in check. This didn’t seem like the place to show fear.

She had never liked parties, especially not this one. In some ways, it was similar to others she had attended, albeit briefly: the smell of beer and sweat wormed its way into her nose, terrible music reverberated through every bone in her body, and conversations were loud and slurred as the bar was depleted and the cloud of smoke in the air thickened. She had only come at the insistence of her friend Zoey, who had promised Gracie that this would be more “her scene” than the other parties she was dragged to. And a scene it was. Gracie had not refused, determined to have one positive experience at one of the shitty frats or clubs that Zoey often frequented. But this was most decidedly *not* a normal party.

Her First Time [BDSM, M/f]

*Hello! Here’s a little story by special request… I hope you enjoy! Another fantasy of mine.*

She struggled to keep herself steady as she approached the hotel elevator. Her hands shook as she pressed the “up” button, and her throat began to close as she listened to the whirr of the machinery behind the metal doors. They parted, and she stumbled over her shoes as two businessmen stepped around her. Suddenly self-conscious, she gulped as she entered the elevator. The light music did little to calm her. She pushed the button to his floor — 25 — and tried to take in a slow, deep breath. Hurriedly, she checked her appearance within the mirrored box that carried her upwards, smoothing her long brown girls and swiping on a last touch of lip gloss over her rosebud mouth. She straightened her blouse over her sheer pink bra — a little surprise. She hoped he would like it.

*He*. The man she would give her virginity to, who would take her and ravish her just the way she liked… she shivered, and felt her pussy moisten.

Sabrina: The Story of a Sex Slave PART 5 [BDSM, M/f, NC, Reluc]

*The final Part 5 of Sabrina’s story. I am so, so sorry to publish so late. I recently had a fall down the stairs (I’m just clumsy, nothing serious) and got a concussion. I slept for a few days straight (!!!) and got checked out by a doctor, who advised that I should take some time from screens, so I didn’t write for a while. I felt a little groggy and it was difficult to type coherent storylines, so I decided to delay my writing rather than post something shitty. Please don’t be mad lol! Comment your feedback and PM me! I’m always looking for my Nathaniel/Geoffrey/Derek haha. Check* r/BDSMErotica *if you’d like to see the full story in one cohesive post. Thanks for all of your support and understanding! Enjoy! xox*

It was unclear if we had been driving for hours or days. It certainly felt like hours, cramped in a cage in a little trailer. The cage was smaller than the trailer, and it pitched and slid along the bottom as we drove for miles and miles. I would have some new bruises to show my new master by the time I arrived at my new home.

Sabrina: The Story of a Sex Slave PART 4 [BDSM, M/f, NC, Reluc]

*Part 4! I’ve been so encouraged (and turned on) by your comments and PMs. Thanks for following along. I’ve decided that this will be the second-to-last part of this series. I hope you enjoy. As always, PMs are open!*

When my eyes snapped open, I immediately felt my pussy flood. I had training to thank for that. My heightened sense of arousal was a discomfort sometimes, but more often than not, a welcome gift. Today, I hoped it would serve me well. I resisted the temptation to rub my swollen bud, but I knew not to. Cumming was a privilege, not a right, as I understood that my body is not my own. I sighed frustratedly, resigning to be content with a fantasy of what my day would entail.

The auction. I had achieved the institution’s highest standards and have been labeled and processed as a sex slave to be sold to the highest bidder tonight, male or female. Secretly, I hoped for a male. Nothing could compare to the feeling of being impaled on a real cock that moved and came within whatever hole a master chose. I bit my lip at the thought. I had no say in the matter, of course, as my opinion is as worthless as me, but a slave could dream.

Sabrina: The Story of a Sex Slave PART 3 [BDSM, M/f, Reluc, NC]

*Part 3! Thank you all for following along and providing your feedback. I hope you enjoy it! As always, PMs open!*

When I heard the jangle of keys outside of my cell, I knew what to do. On my knees, thighs spread, arms at my side and tits out. I scrambled to get in Position One before Nathaniel had a reason to punish me. 

My new life was not what I expected, but it had its appeals. I had given up on fighting it weeks ago when training first began. I was almost disappointed that I would soon be sold, away from the institution and Nathaniel. But I was hesitant to begin today. In the recent past, my training hadn’t been so extreme. Some endurance, some anal, some deepthroating, but nothing I found particularly challenging. I had been praised for my sensitivity and tight pussy and eagerness to please, but scolded often due to a distaste for anal and gagging on cock. At the thought, I winced as my black and blue ass pressed into my heels. I had been punished harshly the other day when I refused Geoffrey’s cock due to a sore throat. I suffered dearly for that.

Sabrina: The Story of a Sex Slave PART 2 [BDSM, M/f, NC, Reluc]

*Part 2! Part 1 can be found in my feed. Enjoy and PM me if you want!*

My throat went dry as Geoffrey pushed me inside the room that looked like a dungeon. The walls were a deep maroon. One had a large boudoir, left casually open, displaying a terrifying array of whips, paddles, chains, vibrators, dildos, plugs, and rope. Beside it was a wooden horse, a torture device I vaguely remember reading about. Mounted on it was a Sybian that made my vision go spotty with fear. There were cages of varying sizes, an ominous flat cot facing a machine with a dildo on the end, and hooks hanging down from the ceiling, presumably to tie me to. There were other contraptions and sex toys I couldn’t even begin to describe. In my sudden shock and horror, I felt the crack of a whip against my breasts.

“On your knees, slave. Shoulders back, tits out, arms to your side. Spread those thighs. Now.”

Eager to avoid the sting of his whip, I did as Nathaniel said, breathing hard.

Sabrina: The Story of a Sex Slave PART 1 [M/f, NC, Reluc]

*Thought I’d share one of my [18f]  favorite fantasies. Enjoy and PM me if you want (:*

I jolted awake, every muscle tensing as the sound of a key being jammed in a metal lock reverberated throughout the room. 

Room? I should say cell. The cold, hard concrete ground sported only a small, thin mattress and a tattered blue blanket. All four walls were simple metal sheets that rang when you tapped them – a built-in alarm system. The cell door blended almost seamlessly into the wall, and left me in utter darkness save for the  pitiful flickering bulb above me.I could hear the wailing cries and sniffles of other girls, although I couldn’t see them. I wondered how many others there were. Above all, I wondered what the hell was happening.

All I remember is jogging around the city block after lunch before heading back to the office, where I worked as a temp for a prominent car company. I had only been running for a few minutes when I sensed a presence behind me, and began to turn my head. At that moment, an enormous, gloved hand reeking of bleach and acetone smothered my entire face and pulled me off the sidewalk. Before losing consciousness, I felt myself being pulled towards someone else, saving me from banging my head as I was forced into a slow-moving car. My head lolled as one of them tied my feet, and the other my hands. Before I could kick or scream or cry, my world went black.