i play with him alot, hes probably the man i play wth the most often for many reasons. he cant stop cheating on his gf with me, she just doesnt compare to me at all, nothing about her is as good. not her body or how she does it in bed. I love that, it just makes me feel so sexy when men cant stop cheating with me. its pretty much a secret relationship at this point even though at first he was just playing wth me/ sometimes lending me to other guys while i got drugs from him without paying anything. I mean it still happens but it so doesnt seem like some “””deal””””. We do it at least once a week, usually more than that. he spoils me way more than he needs to
i was with him last night again and I got him even more horny than usually on accident. i was so high on speed and he was drinking, I was just laying on the bed in nothing but undies and a bra. the whole room just reeks like pussy when im like that. I knew we were supposed to fuck soon. i get so nice and giggly an horny when im on speed, even more than i usually am. we usually have some music playin on the background and i usually decide whats on it but for some reason i got a “good” idea about it for the first time last night