I took my daughters virginity at her request. [F/M] [Incest Father Daughter] [long]

It’s been just Amanda and I for the last ten years. Her mother left for greener pastures, so I picked up the roll of the mother/father duo and kept chugging right along. It was a rough start, but we’ve found a comfortable routine. Life’s good now.

I work as a carpentry refurbisher out of our home-shop. Amanda’s a study bug and spends most of her time prepping for college entrance exams. A med-school hopeful. She’s grown into a beautiful and intelligent woman, but I worry about her social ineptitude. She has friends, but I feel that she tends to throw most of her social efforts at me instead of them. She’s had a boyfriend but refused to bring him over and they managed to stay together for about a summer. She rarely has friends over and when she does, she usually tries to get me to hang with them.

Amanda overly relies on me for everything, I wouldn’t call her helpless but she rarely makes choices without running them by me first. I’ve tried to foster a bit more independence in her, but she usually deflects with, “I’m just asking your opinion daddy, I’ll handle it.”

Playing with the neighbors wife while she’s on the phone with him

The torqued metal snapped with a metallic twang, followed by a slew of curses. I rummaged through the toolbox for another screwdriver and came up empty, “you gotta be fucking kidding me.” What started as a simple kitchen renovation had grown into a two week-long nightmare. Maybe Tom’s back, I’ll see if he’s got anything I can use. I walked over to the neighbors and knocked. I was brushing the plaster dust off my jeans when Michelle answered the door. Jackpot. Michelle was Tom’s wife, a sweet little brunette woman who checked every box for me in terms of attractiveness. I saw her in a two piece the year prior at a pool party for another neighbor and have been fantasizing about her ever since. “Hey sorry to bother you, I was wondering if Tom was around. I snapped my last flat head and need another.”

Me and two bohemian strangers on the back of a midnight bus to Trenton [FFM] [Public] [BJ] [Slow Burn]

The midnight bus kicked off before my butt was in a seat. There were no spots available up front, so I made my way to the last row and flopped into it. The company couldn’t be bothered to fly me because it was cheaper to bus me to the city. An eight-hour ride vs a one-hour flight, all to save maybe a hundred bucks. *Thanks guys*.

The lights cut out.

It was already past eleven and there was one more stop before the long haul began. I was planning on sleeping, but the last row didn’t recline. *Awesome*. I tucked in under my jacket and made myself comfortable. Most of the other passengers were already asleep. The quiet whispering of couples was occasionally punctuated by snores from another rider.


The bus hickuped to a stop with the automated chime of “*Bell Plaza. Next stop, Trenton, NJ*.” The lights flickered on, startling a woman sleeping a row ahead of me. Two riders got on. The first was a tall girl in a long colorful dress. She had long blond dreadlocks and was toting a canvas bag that managed to hit every isle sitter she passed. Behind her was another, shorter girl in a black hoodie. They looked like they had just left an outdoor concert. *Bohemian vibes if you catch my drift*.