Best [f]ender bender of my young life [FM]

So this might be a weird place to start a post on this subreddit, but it’s my post, so bare with me. I am a great driver. I pride myself on being a great driver. My friends agree I am a great driver.

So I kinda rearended this guy’s car this weekend. I can’t offer much of a defense other than I was tired from work, emotionally strained from a recent brake up, and it was raining. I slammed on my brakes a bit too late, and hit him, fortunately not doing more than minor damage to either his car or mine.

My initial reaction was “fuck, his car looks a lot more expensive than mine.” We pulled over and through on our hazards and then my next thought was “fuck, he is really attractive.”

Thom is a bit older than me, 29 to be exact. He stands a lot taller than I do… 6’3 to my 5’4. Slim in a “I do a lot of cardio” kinda way. Light brown hair with a slight beard. Light gray eyes. A way of carrying himself that says he is self-assured without being cocky. So yeah, good thing it was raining because I was about to melt into a puddle at his feet.

How I accidentally became my stepsister’s eskimo sister (F, if that wasn’t obvious)

So, a little bit of back story about me. I’m half Italian and half-Japanese. After she broke up with my father, my mother married a guy who was Japanese, and had a daughter from another marriage. My step-sister is only a few year’s younger than me, but she can be kind of a FOB sometimes, so I have always looked after her.

We ended up attending the same university when I was an undergraduate. We were only there for the last half of my Junior through my graduation. It was hard for my step-sister to establish her own identity, but she managed to avoid any classes I may have taken, and to cultivate her own circle of friends (she joined Greek life and all sorts of groups I’d have nothing to do with, I basically stuck to cultural orgs and RHA).

Anyway, one night I was swiping through tinder and I matched with a guy who was pretty cute, who told me he wanted to take things slow. We met up at a bar. My first impression was that he was taller than I expected, the second impression was that he was a really fly dresser. We chatted for a while and danced. I don’t remember us going back toward my apartment, but we ended up making out on the front stoop. I invited him up and he told me “remember, I said I wanted to take things slow.”