East Flying West Chapter 3 (AMWF Story)

East Flying West Chapter 3 (Chapter 2&1 are on my profile)


Some time had passed. Ryan had signed in at reception and got all the introduction stuff out of the way. He got shown around the main buildings together with Zoe before being shown to their accommodations in which they were going to be living for the year.

He remembered some facts about the university. About 40,000 students, but not all were actually on campus, some were off campus or online students. Ryan’s dad was not wrong about it being popular for Chinese students, about 5,000 students were Chinese which was a significant amount.

He was residing in Snyder Quads flat D511-A. Zoe was going to be living nearby as their parents wanted them to be close to each other in case of emergencies. She opted for a regular flat with 5-7 people, all first year students. Since Ryan was not a first year student he had to choose somewhere further from university buildings, a studio on his own or a small flat for 2 people. He chose to live with someone else to know someone and because it was cheaper than a studio.

East Flying West Chapter 2 [AMWF / AMXF]

Chapter 1 can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/AzianKing/comments/ilfs01/east_flying_west_ch1_long_story/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

**East Flying West Chapter 2**

Zoe asked Ryan just about his opinion on white girls. Ryan didn’t want to say anything weird so he responded by saying that he thinks they are fine. She didn’t ask any follow-up questions about it, which Ryan appreciated.

It was going to be a long flight, about 13 hours to get from Hong Kong to London. Ryan and Zoe both prepared well for the flight. He listened to music, read some books about the UK and talked more with Zoe. Zoe suggested to watch a movie together, so they did before taking a nap on the flight. As Ryan woke up he was just 2 hours away from London. He went to the toilet and looked around as he walked, he would say that most of the flight was Chinese with quite a few young people possibly going abroad for studies. After he sat back down a flight attendant came by with food.

East Flying West Ch. 1 [AMWF/AMXF][Story]

East Flying West – Chapter 1

Ryan Wong is a regular 24 years old Chinese guy. He had lived his whole life in Hong Kong. He had medium length black hair, with shorter sides and back, and was overall physically fit as he went to the gym 2-3 times a week usually. Ryan just earned his masters degree in physics and was thinking about what to do next. The world had just been declared Covid free by the World Health Organization. He was thinking about going abroad to get a PhD in physics as he wanted to see the world as he never had left Hong Kong yet.

Ryan went to his parents house tonight for a family dinner. Growing up he got treated well as he was an only child so his parents had more than enough money for his growing up. Ryan did never fee lonely though as many of his cousins live in Hong Kong as well and the families met up quite regularly.

East Flying West Ch.1 [Fiction] [AMWF/AMXF]

Writers note at the end.


East Flying West – Chapter 1

Ryan Wong is a regular 24 years old Chinese guy. He had lived his whole life in Hong Kong. He had medium length black hair, with shorter sides and back, and was overall physically fit as he went to the gym 2-3 times a week usually. Ryan just earned his masters degree in physics and was thinking about what to do next. The world had just been declared Covid free by the World Health Organization. He was thinking about going abroad to get a PhD in physics as he wanted to see the world as he never had left Hong Kong yet.

Ryan went to his parents house tonight for a family dinner. Growing up he got treated well as he was an only child so his parents had more than enough money for his growing up. Ryan did never fee lonely though as many of his cousins live in Hong Kong as well and the families met up quite regularly.