Slave to Love [MF]

In the city streets sensation was easy to come by and hard to make last. Easy givings were often misgivings to never hold again. The hard edges and the soft corners. The sad look in the eyes of people. The fear of walking alone at night. In the city, sensation was everywhere and yet nowhere together. It beat in the walls of the dance clubs and longed for in the hearts of the lonely.

Even something as simple as smoking a cigarette was some sort of feeling, and a man was standing outside an office building in the night, pulling and breathing out sensation. He kept to himself from the people around him and drew his arms together just the same. In the high of a Saturday night, people walked the sidewalks and crossed the street, cars buzzed past with the windows down blasting the latest song over the radio. Madonna was everywhere, holding the world by the throat. No matter where you went, the sensual sensation of her voice poured from the windows of homes and from the radios of passing cars and walking people.

Knight’s Vengeance III [MF] [Fantasy]

The ground was pretty cold. After all the excitement, Veronica Kalm was cooling off and now the whole situation was growing uncomfortable. Tied up by her former commander, in the torture chamber basement of a fortress she used to call home, the young woman was feeling a bit powerless. Power and lack of was not often a problem, and it was only a moment until Veronica rolled over the stone floor, naked as a bird, and threw herself into the legs of the wooden table that held their torture instruments.

Lucerne Jesta was no fool, and knew it wouldn’t be long until Veronica made herself free and would attempt to escape. It had only been a few minutes, after technically molesting Veronica, that the Knight had freed herself. A bone saw clattered on the stone and Veronica worked it into her hand. She wrought the rope to a fray. As soon as she was free, the Knight sprung to her feet and promptly passed out.

Knight’s Vengeance II [FF] [Fantasy]

When she came to, Veronica Kalm kept quiet and calm. The rustling of a horses carriage kept a consistent sound, but she couldn’t see a thing. Nor could she move. Struggling ever so slightly, the knight-errant found herself bound wrist-to-ankle behind her back and head covered with what smelled and felt like a coarse burlap sack. What a way to get caught.

As reality seeped in, she felt the tingling swell of pain on the back of her head. Really, *what a way to get caught, Veronica,* she thought to herself. Sensations snuck to her senses, as she felt it was cold, probably still night, and someone was speaking.

“Really, what a way to get caught. I can’t believe we had to ride all the way out to Perish to catch her. Really, was it worth it?” A male voice said, disembodied to the knight.

“Are you really asking if this was worth it?” Another answered. Neither voiced had Veronica heard before.

“I mean, why not let her just, you know, go? Soldiers desert all the time.” The other said, cracking the reins of the horses.

Knight’s Vengeance I [MF] [Fantasy]

In the low glow of the night, a walled city stood against the purple sky. Before they shut their gates, a few stragglers slipped in, and Veronica Kalm was amongst them. She held on to the shawl over her person and kept her head down. Being wanted across the land would keep you like that. The dried dirt of the city ground was padded down and a welcome embrace from the roughness of the wild. Voices of the soul echoed off the plentiful stone buildings, and amongst the people who thronged from tavern to pub to home, the young woman went by unnoticed.

A gloved hand pushed open the door to a random tavern, one chosen for the noise heard from the outside. Chaos was rampant within. She errant ducked under an axe that flew and splintered the wooden door. A few more were lodged in the walls. The thrower, stumbling and aiming another, was down the entire mead hall from the target, a bellowing fat man who had naught but a pear balanced on his bellowing fat head. The bar had no space and the tables didn’t either. Only by wedging her way in, did anyone get a look at Veronica’s face.