[TF] Having fun with a friend

About two months ago, I met someone through an NSFW social circle, we’ll call her Amanda. Amanda and I live pretty close to each other and she’s moving to my town fairly soon, so I offered to show her around and introduce her to the social scene. We met up a few times, hung out, nothing more than platonic. We found out that our interests in various things aligned pretty well, so we clicked rather fast. As our friendship progressed, we started talking about our various kinks and we agreed to try rigging on each other as practice. I spent a couple hours tied up and then we cuddled for a bit before we had to go do responsibilities and such. We planned out another day of rigging for the next week basically immediately. However, over the weekend we both got super inebriated, and wound up sexting and being considerably less platonic.

When she came over next, we spent an hour getting high and eating way-too-overloaded custom pizza that we’d foolishly piled high with chili flakes and our mouths were burning. Amanda is unfortunately lactose intolerant so we couldn’t chug milk to ward off the spice and settled on drinking liquor, hoping it would be enough.