(32)[F] – Struggling to keep my senses around the new intern (22)[M] at work

I am 32F of South Asian Indian ethnicity, working as a manager at a largish technology company. Been married for about 5 years. I would rate my sex life as above average, with a smattering of some fireworks moments. Then again I probably would not be a good judge of that since my entire experience would be with my husband, who has been my only partner ever.

Anyways I digress.

My company has a summer internship program. My team had interviewed some candidates earlier in the year and we had selected a few interns, one of whom was assigned to me. I did not get to interview the intern assigned to me (as I was away on vacation). In any case all the interviews were conducted remotely via zoom and many of them without video, so I had no idea about the appearance of any of the candidates.

Like many tech firms, we are still in a remote first/hybrid workplace. The offices are open, but it is entirely up to the individual if they want to work from home or from the office. For the internship program, the general recommendation from the HR was to have at least a couple of in-person meetings per week with the intern to keep track of their progress. As he was joining this Monday, I went to my office (after a long time) to meet him and to make sure he knows his way around and is settled in.