[M]y all time [f]avorite blowjob

Have you ever had a sexual experience that sticks with you for years? One specific event that comes to mind for no reason and it just drives you wild?

About 10 years ago, I received hands down the best blowjob that I have ever, and possibly will ever, receive. There’s no rhyme or reason as to why/when it comes to mind, but when it does, I almost can’t handle it.

A few years before the night, I met an extremely cute girl at a party. She was a friend of a friend, and since neither one of us knew a lot of the other people at the party, we ended up chatting all night. After a while, things started to get flirty and she got really embarrassed. She then told me that she was married, not happily, and she wishes she had told me sooner. I was a little bummed out, but I didn’t see any reason why we couldn’t be friends. We talked the rest of the night, then went our separate ways.

I wish I could say that we stayed in contact, but over time communications got less and less, up until it stopped all together. I didn’t end up seeing her again, until one night a few years later.