But He’s My Teacher?

“Hey, can I borrow your straightener? I think I left mine at home.” I chuckled as Tori, the sorority girl next door, popped her head in from our shared bathroom. I rolled my eyes as I finished pulling my yoga pants on, adjusting the sparkly waistband.

“It’s on the dresser,” I said, gesturing towards my basket of hair products. “And, toss me a tank top will you?” I added as I ran a brush through my hair. Tori snagged the straighter from the top then rifled through my tank top collection in the second.

“Here, this will show off some of the sparkles on your sports bra, too.” She tossed a me an aquamarine tank top that I was pretty sure had been a swim suit cover up when I bought it. I pulled it on, adjusting slightly so that even though you could see parts of my sports bra it wasn’t super obvious.

Tori stopped by the bathroom door and gave me a quick once over. “That looks good. Now, please tell me you’re gonna do your make up. I mean, I know it’s early, but come on.”

The Tentacle Creature Likes her

Tentacles started climbing up my legs. They worked as dexterously as fingers, winding between the holes in my fishnets – ripping them as they went. I think I tried to struggle, this was wrong. I couldn’t tell if the mocking laughter was coming from around me or inside my own head.

The ropes binding my wrists, keeping my arms far from my sides, undulated and tightened almost as if in a wave of pleasure. But… rope doesn’t move on its own.

Forcing my eyes open I turned my head just enough to see. Since gaining consciousness, strapped to what I assumed was a table, not flat but not quiet upright either, I had been under the impression that their was only one creature taunting me – teasing as it pawed at me.

Now I wasn’t sure how that could be true as it wasn’t rope around my arms but instead another thick black and bright blue tentacle.

What were these things?!

My racing thoughts were silenced by a solid smack. I opened my mouth to scream, the scraps of fabric that made up my panties offered no protection from the blow straight to my pussy lips. Before any sound could escape however, the thinner end of one of the tentacles darted between my lips. The girth quickly filled my mouth, choking off my horror.