Rejoined The Party With His Cum Still Inside [M]e [NB]

If you want to skip my attempts at prose and hop straight to the sex, find these ~*~*~*~*~.

I had only met Alexei two weeks before his cock was buried deep inside me, one very thin wall between us and all of our castmates.

I’ve always fancied myself a bit of an actor, so when the local college invited folks from the community to play some of the assorted background Romans in their production of Julius Caesar, I signed myself up. Alexei was playing Cassius, the play’s smooth-talking devil on its collective shoulder, but our scenes didn’t overlap, so I only met him when we started doing full runs. He was four years younger than me (20 to my 24) and every inch the villain: tall and lean, with long dark hair, flashing dark eyes, an aquiline nose, and a deep, resonant voice with just a hint of a British accent. When I heard him give the speech about Caesar “bestriding the narrow world,” I felt my stomach flip and knew I wanted to bestride the fuck out of Alexei’s narrow hips.

What can I say? I’ve always loved a bad boy.

Playfighting Leads to Ruined Underwear [M] [NB]

I’m back with another story about Brandon! This happened a while after our first hookup, when we were really starting to get comfortable sleeping together. Even before we started hooking up, he and I would get into these elaborate inside jokes where we imagined ourselves as halves of classic movie tropes. Y’know, what if I was a knight and you needed rescuing from a tower, what if we were a reluctant team-up of daring adventurers, what if we were the only two people on a desolate Arctic research station. That sort of thing. Totally normal stuff to talk about for two good friends who definitely aren’t going to have lots and lots of sex in a few years.

But lately Brandon had been leading a lot of our silly imaginary scenarios down the general path of ‘enemies to lovers but also they’re still enemies.’ Someone always seemed to be getting shoved against a wall or straddled with a sword at their throat. It happened so many times that finally I had to call him on it.

“Dude,” I said on a phone call with him one night. “If you want to try out some kind of sexy fight situation, you could just ask me directly.”

Getting Fucked In The Middle Of A Crowded Basement [M] [NB]

AJ and I started hooking up the summer before my senior year of college. He was in an open relationship, so I was his side piece, and we were both very clear with each other about the fact that we wanted something casual. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement – we were both studying for the same major, so I’d tutor him, he’d get me into parties at his fraternity, and we’d both get some very good sex out of it. We didn’t interact much at all outside of this FWB situation, and we were usually pretty cool towards each other when we weren’t in bed together.

AJ and I hooked up consistently throughout the summer and fall, but we both got very busy in the winter and didn’t see each other for weeks. One Friday night in February, though, I said ‘fuck it’ to my responsibilities and showed up on the doorstep of AJ’s frat. It had been ages since I’d gone out, and I was looking forward to a night of drinking, dancing, beer pong, blowjobs, and whatever else a frat party could throw at me. When I got downstairs, though, I could immediately tell something was up with AJ. He was acting much more affectionate than usual. Typically we’d play a game of pong together but otherwise do our own things until the party wound down and we could hook up, but he was practically attached to my hip all night, putting his hand on my thigh when we sat down together and grinding against my ass when we danced.

Trying To Stay Quiet While [M]y Best Friend Straddles Me [NB]

If you’re here for the setup, read on! If you’re just here for the sex, skip to the ~~~.

Brandon and I have been friends for almost a decade, but we’ve only been hooking up for a few months, which has led to a strange mixture of us hanging out and doing the usual activities we’d do as friends (camping, going to museums, hanging out watching TV) and our sex lives. Sometimes that mixture doesn’t work out, but sometimes it’s incredible. This is the story of one of the latter times.

I drove down to Brandon’s hometown to spend a weekend at his house. He’s lived there even longer than we’ve been friends and knows the woods surrounding the property like the back of his hand, so we decided to venture out to his old fort and have a campfire. The fort is a pretty impressive carpentry project from his Boy Scout days – a wooden shed with a table and chairs inside, a ladder up to the roof, and a fire pit in front. We came equipped with firewood, blankets, and s’more supplies and built the fire just as the sun was setting.

Getting Fucked Hard In Front Of The Library Window [M] [NB]

My friend Ethan and I met in college and quickly bonded over our shared passion for breaking into locked campus buildings, accessing restricted areas, and climbing up onto rooftops. We got into some pretty cool places in our adventures (the steam tunnels and the roof of the math building were both highlights), and the better we got at sneaking around, the more confident – and cocky – we got.

One dark evening when we’d both had a bit too much to drink, Ethan proposed the idea of hooking up in one of the locked buildings we were constantly exploring together. I wasn’t too surprised. I had always kept our friendship light and breezy because I hate making the first move, but it was hard not to notice the way his eyes lingered on me or the way he’d always keep his hands on me for an extra beat after boosting me up onto a roof or helping me down a steep flight of stairs. I won’t deny it, I’d started dressing up for our adventures just to watch his reaction.