Public Voyeur (long)

This is my first time posting something, and I know it’s long, but I wanted to share a story I wrote based on a picture I saw earlier today. Happy to take any notes! This is just a first attempt at anything longer than a prompt.

It was half past 4 in the afternoon and the heat of the day was finally breaking when Allison returned to the trailhead from her hike. It was a peaceful hike, she’d not seen or even heard a single person the entire time so she was surprised to notice another car parked opposite hers in the tiny gravel parking area.

“I guess this trail wasn’t as far off the beaten path as I’d hoped” she thought walking past the car toward her own. As she passed, she noticed a middle-aged couple was sitting inside. She got into her car, lowered the windows, and hopped back out to stretch while the car aired out. With each stretch she caught curious glances at the other car. “They look dressed for a house party rather than a hike,” she thought. From what she could see, the man was wearing a button down shirt and the woman had on a loose tank top.