I[F] Finally agreed to my boyfriends[M] Fantasy

I hope this is an ok story to post here. I’m not a pro writer but enjoy trying so any constructive criticism is welcome.

So for starters this happen a few years back with my ex. We had been together for roughly 2 years at this point. We got on well and the sex was always good, not great but I wasn’t the most adventurous so it was good.

Firstly a little about us. I was a bit more skinny back then. Always been the athletic type with longish dirty blonde hair. My bf was also pretty skinny and we both leaned towards the submissive side.

So anyway we were at home one day and I could always tell when he was upset or had something he wanted to talk about. He would get quiet and kind of dismissive of everything. Like he was upset. This day was no different. We sat eating dinner and he was completely withdrawn. Hardly talking at all. I asked what was wrong and he of course said nothing so I left it. About 5 minutes later he blurted out. “I want to ask you something but I’m scared you will get mad” I of course assured him I wouldn’t get mad even though I didn’t know what it was. Unfortunately and regrettably I did get mad.