A future where everyone gets vasectomies at 18. (M)

It was the week of your 18th birthday, you’d had a modest party to celebrate coming of age with your friends and family, but now you found yourself at the medical centre, waiting in a small room. You’d been preparing for this day for a while. A few appointments a month or two ago, looking up online others experiences and reading all the literature given to you by the doctors. You were only a little nervous, besides, over 100,000 people turn 18 every week in the US and have one of the procedures done, and there were very few risks and complications. 

“Are you ready?” A voice called from the doorway. It woke you from your daydream. It was the doctor, beckoning you to follow her through. 

“Yes.” You replied as you stood and stepped through into the next room.

It was dim compared to the waiting room before, a medical bed sat centrally in the room with a large display panel in the direction the bed was facing. A small door to the side was ajar to what must have been the control room. Above the bed was a device on rails attached to the ceiling. Well not just a device, ‘The Device’. 

Succubus Seduction [M/F] (Demonic Summoning?)

“What’s the worst that could happen, we all go crazy or get really sick and die?” Jenna said sarcastically, taking another sip of beer.

“Exactly, that’s exactly what could happen.” Liam replied seriously. “Summoning shit isn’t for the faint of heart. Weren’t you paying attention to all the stuff in the textbook?!”

“Relax, what better way to have a break from studying than to have an orgy with demons? And if we get sick and die, that will be a university first for sure.” Jenna leaned back against the coffee table. In front of her sat the rest of the group, arranged haphazardly around the tiled floor of Liam’s living room, textbooks, drink cans and loose paper with notes filling the gaps between them. Each of the five students sitting or resting on a cushion.

Lauren broke the silence of the room. “We have almost covered everything for the exam next week anyway….”

“Yeah. And I think we are all well prepared. I’m feeling pretty burnt out from study, but some practical learning might be useful.” Adam joined.

“Fine…. If y’all want to have soul sucking sex with a mythological creature, be my guest, but I’m not having any.” Liam turned his face up in disgust.

Mating Cycle [F/M] (Mermaid/Human, Blowjob + Vaginal Sex, Heat, Mating)

As Ethan stepped out of his car onto the sand covered car park, the sound and smell of the ocean filled his senses. The soft early evening breeze blew his clearly un-styled medium length brown hair and created gentle waves that rolled across his t-shirt and shorts. The midsummer air was warm but refreshing this close to the water. The sound of distant thumping techno music was almost drowned out by the continuous crashing of the waves nearby. After straightening his clothes and attempting to tame his hair, Ethan made his way onward to the source of the music.

Pushing his way through the crowd of people standing about the decently sized decked area, most with beverages in hand, Ethan kept his eyes peeled for any familiar faces and bodies in the rolling sea of people.

“Ethan! Dude, you made it!” A voice from behind his left shoulder called out.

He spun to face the voice to be greeted by the organizer of the party, Jerry. Ethan has assisted Jerry with one for his assignments for a university class they were both in, probably the only reason Ethan was invited to be fair, as the two weren’t exactly moving in the same social circles.

In Space, No One Can Hear You Moan [F] (Slime creature, Tentacles/tentacle rape, SciFi, Cryostasis, Vore)

You awake to a pain in your arm. Your body is cold, the flesh is exposed. You aren’t shivering, but you feel chilled to the bone.

A light in front of you taunts your eyes awake, it’s a text screen, but you aren’t conscious enough to make sense of it yet. You try to take a breath, but you feel something down your throat and so you cough. The thing in your throat travels upwards and is extracted from your mouth causing you to gag, and you cough some more. But you are breathing on your own again, sucking in cold dry oxygen and expelling tepid air into the space. Something moves in front of your face and you follow it with your head and blurry eyes, both still stiff from being asleep and so you don’t catch it in time before it disappears out of sight.

Your body feels like it’s in a frozen lake. Weightless and chilled to the core. Arms lay by your sides that you can barely feel, as well as your feet outstretched below you. A strange sensation, then a burning feeling occurs in your groin. This wakes you a little more.

Deep Dive [F] (Tentacle Rape, Double Pen, All the way through, Mind Control, Non-con, Wetsuit)

It wasn’t what Olivia had in mind when she was asked if she wanted to go on a research trip.  ‘The closest thing you can get to outer space’ she was told. And while the South Australian countryside was scenic, it was desolate and lacked a lot of the creature comforts that she was used to back in the lab.

The nearest flushing toilet was about a two hour drive away to the nearest service station across the Queensland border. A trip that Olivia had only undertaken once in the past few days out of necessity to restock a few supplies, but the toilet alone she deemed was not worth the trip. Even though it was clean for service station standards, she longed for the heated bidet seat of her modest Sydney apartment.