I met him for the first time that night [FM] Part 2.

I must’ve replayed tonight in my mind over a dozen times, trying to find the words to describe the feelings dwelling in me from that dwindling kiss on my lips.

I’ll admit I bit down on his lip hoping right then and there that he would push me against my car and pull my hair back exposing my neck to the rain and his lips… As he pulled away, a smile over his face, he bid me farewell and a safe drive home.

I walked in the door to my husband passed out in bed, and curious cats wandering around almost to ask of my whereabouts. After giving them food, I stared at my phone hoping some message was there waiting for me. I decided not to wait and messaged him, asking if he got home okay. There was a question burning deep in my soul that I just had to ask.. Why didn’t he take me then and there? He had me weak and vulnerable.

“Oh, I thought about it, you very nearly ended up on your knees in the parking lot”

I just got home after meeting him… [FM] part 1

I just got home after meeting him for the first time, his kiss still lingering on my lips. I can’t recall how long it took me to get home, or even how I got home for that matter. All my mind was focused on was that kiss.

He answered my r4r post 3 days prior. I was hesitant at first, but while reading through his post history I saw him calling out other men’s toxic masculinity. Surely this is a good sign I thought, I had been through many toxic people before and the residual scars still haunt me to this day. After talking for a bit, I decided to ask him on a date on a whim. To my surprise he actually agreed.

There was something about him that just fascinated me. He had charmed me with his extensive game collection and our mutual nostalgia towards the Legend of Zelda. His words precise, meaningful, and grammatically correct. Admittedly I am a bit of a Grammar Nazi, so this was a huge thing for me. He said what he meant, and meant what he said. I was rather nervous about meeting him, not for fear of any danger, but for fear or rejection.