[MF] Dana, part 3 [teasing] [cheating?]

It makes more sense if you have read [part one] (https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7lc8ts/mf_dana_part_1_teasing_cheating/) and [part two] (https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7ljtb3/mf_dana_part_2_teasing_public_cheating/).

It was a couple of nights before Dana was at my place again. She brought over a bottle of Knob Creek, and we sat at my small table grading papers, letting the ice melt in our glasses and only occasionally talking. She was wearing a black dress with short sleeves and black leggings. She hadn’t pulled her hair back, and so while she graded, she kept pushing back stray hairs that fell into her line of sight. I watched her tuck her hair behind her ear and how she bit her lower lip when she was thinking of what to write. We worked much later than usual, and the bottle was still full hours after we had opened it. We were sober and tired, and so it was all the more of a surprise when out of nowhere she said, “I’ve been thinking about what you and Sarah did.”


“I don’t think I could do something like that. I mean, not on a camera.”

“It’s not like it was recorded.”

[MF] Dana, part 2 [teasing] [public] [cheating?]

Sarah, my girlfriend, was thin with short brown hair and a precise way of dressing. She was studying to be an anthropologist, and in her second year, she already had publications. Because we were both in school, we had odd schedules; we would talk midday and work most mornings and nights. On Tuesday’s I had mandatory office hours, to which none of my students ever showed up, so I would often Skype with her from my shared office. On this Tuesday when she answered she was still in her pajamas: loose baby blue pants and a white tank-top with thin straps. I loved when she wore that shirt. In person, it was thin enough almost to be transparent, and even with the poor webcam resolution, I could see the sharp outline of her small but pert breasts.

“I’ve been waiting for you to call. I miss you.” The way she said *miss you* made clear what she really missed. “Put on your headphones.”

[MF] Dana, part 1 [teasing] [cheating]

Her name was Dana, and she was striking. She was Persian and Dutch with dark straight hair, a small nose, and caramel-brown eyes. The New England winters had made her very pale. When she walked over to my place, the cold made her look like she was blushing.

We were both in grad school, and we were both in long-distance relationships. I think that is why we spent so much time together; it was nice to be around someone of the opposite sex who was safe enough that flirting felt exciting, and only a little wrong. She would come to my apartment most evenings, and we’d work at the table together. Sometimes other students from our year would join us, and sometimes she would come over early, and we would cook together.

As I said, we would flirt, but we had some unspoken boundaries. If we brushed against each other in the kitchen—it was small—we would get embarrassed and apologize. If we were drinking while we were cooking, we would brush against each other more frequently, for slightly longer than we should, but that was it, that was as far as we would go physically.

[MF] Dana, part 1 [true] [teasing] [cheating]

Her name was Dana, and she was striking. She was Persian and Dutch with dark straight hair, a small nose, and caramel-brown eyes. The New England winters had made her very pale. When she walked over to my place, the cold made her look like she was blushing.

We were both in grad school, and we were both in long-distance relationships. I think that is why we spent so much time together; it was nice to be around someone of the opposite sex who was safe enough that flirting felt exciting, and only a little wrong. She would come to my apartment most evenings, and we’d work at the table together. Sometimes other students from our year would join us, and sometimes she would come over early, and we would cook together.

As I said, we would flirt, but we had some unspoken boundaries. If we brushed against each other in the kitchen—it was small—we would get embarrassed and apologize. If we were drinking while we were cooking, we would brush against each other more frequently, for slightly longer than we should, but that was it, that was as far as we would go physically.