29 [MFF] “Check My Messages” “Don’t Forget His Balls.”

Thanks for the reception to part one. Never thought I’d win an award for having sex but lol.

A long, long time ago my girlfriend at the time was sexually frustrated while I was going through some back pain.

Well not to recap too much information from my last post. After getting perhaps the best cowgirl style fuck of my life fueled by my erection stimulated on medications and my gf’s bestie’s selfies the next couple days weren’t too bad.

If I recall it was a Sunday and my backpain didn’t get better. My GF was starting up classes again and getting started on her work. Monday morning I ended up seeing the doctor again and yeah, turns out that the sex or something might have set me back. Not too much and obviously I didn’t tell the doctor (said I was just helping move a bed which isn’t too far from the truth).

“So you’re not having any side effects like sex loss right?”

“I’m too tired for sex” (Lie)

“Great we’ll redouble the dosage.”

I guess? Like it was already hard for me to get aroused. I wasn’t doing much except sleeping during classes. Couldn’t even drive.