I’m a 44 year old suburban mother. In the midst of a divorce and a pandemic, I made my oldest daughter my wife. This is our story.

NOTE: Just to be clear, in case the text below doesn’t make it obvious — yes, we have sex as mother and daughter.


I’m here to tell the story of how my oldest daughter and I came to be.

The past couple of years have been whirlwind, for so many of us. That’s certainly been the case for me and my family. I’m a 44 year old divorced mother of three, and for about a year and a half now, my oldest daughter has been my wife.

You read that correctly. My daughter is my wife.

How did we get here? Well, how does anyone get anywhere? There were catalysts, forces internal and external, and perhaps the intervention of fate, if you believe in that sort of thing.

In March of 2020, I was launching a company, my own start-up, that I’d been building from the ground up for ages. The hard-won success of my career had put me in a position to do such a thing. But as my career soared, my former husband’s sank, and he came to resent it, deeply. He worked as a “consultant” for a while, never consulting on much of anything, and was finally relegated to being the domestic, stay at home parent — a vital role if there ever was one, especially with three kids at home, but one he treated with scorn and could never quite do competently.