Shot [m]y shot a[f]ter a long build up with breast-a-rant bartender

I was a new manager at a well known restaurant with a lot of hot chicks. She was the chick who didn’t show up at all my first week there leaving me scrambling for coverage every night, later I would find out a scheduling oversight by the fucktard GM as she had put in a vacation request months in advance. But I pretty much hated “Casey” before I even met her.

Eventually the mythical Casey returned from wherever she was. And it turns out she actually showed up for shifts when she was in town! Also she was a gorgeous California raised 5-5 Latina brunette, homecoming queen, with C cup breasts a heart shaped ass. She had a great personality and turned out to be one of the best workers I had as well. My hatred over my first week diminished, not without some good natured ribbing which she could give and take.

My fondness of Casey was pretty obvious, but alas she had a boyfriend that she lived with who was a good 10-12 years older than she and I who were both around 24 at the time. However our flirting was frequent and began to escalate in spite of the BF situation.

[MF] How I hooked up with a sweet girl with a broken leg in Las Vegas (not broken when I arrived)

I met “Brit” via the internet about one month before my Vegas trip. We chatted, exchanged pics etc. Pretty standard stuff in the world of internet meetings. She was a good looking 25 year old brunette that would turn heads in any grocery store. Fit, 130 pounds, nice tan, with shoulder length brown hair and a beautiful smile. Our chats were flirty and fun but nothing overtly sexual.

Fast forward to my arrival in Vegas and I invited her for drinks and dinner at the Bellagio with my sister and her fiance who had also come out to LV for the weekend for a birthday party. I didn’t tell my sister too much other than I had a friend that I wanted to invite and I was confident that Brit would be easy company and not embarrass me in any way. We had a great steak dinner, lots of drinks and laughs and eventually parted company with my sister.

[MF] Met a 25 year old Austin cutie on POF and we got naughty

I didn’t know “Erin” before we started chatting online. But damn, I was glad I got a chance to meet her. She was 25, 5 ft tall, with some generous hips for her otherwise busty, petite build and creamy white skin (me: 33 yo SWM, 6 ft tall, athletic and not hideous to look at). Her hair was shoulder length brunette with a cute, nerdy face accentuated by the glasses she wore in some photos. We had chatted and texted enough to feel comfortable with an early evening bar meet at one of the older, tamer spots in a busy area of Austin. Fast forward to the night…

I scoured the area for a meter spot and circled the bar district with some urgency. I knew I was a little tight on time and didn’t want to be late. As I made my second round up the block, I spied a cute girl solo in a short brown dress and heels walking towards the bar and I suspected it was her. I was optimistic about the night, our chats hadn’t been very dirty but she made it clear she was horny and was in the market for a new fuck buddy. I soon found a parking spot and hustled over to the corner bar where we were meeting.

[M]et a girl on #Austin Craigslist, [F]un ensued

There was a time when Craigslist had a hookup purpose. Yeah you had to weed through spam, credit card scammers, dudes posing as chicks, and pic collectors but goddamnit if you were diligent, you had a real chance.  I met some really cute girls there including Diane.

We corresponded for a day or so after meeting on the casual encounters section.  I was 33 at the time and she was 34.  She was petite, very tiny, maybe 5 ft tall and 95lbs and looked cute in the pics we exchanged. She was mixed Latina and white so she had a nice natural tan and we met on a warm spring day for lunch at a local sub shop called Thundercloud.

After lunch, we took a stroll around the nearby park / lake where the convo turned more sexual.  She seemed so reserved but she had replied to essentially a hook up post I made (a rarity as I usually preferred to reply rather than post) so I figured I would at least toss out the idea of stopping by my place… she was down and it was only about 5 minutes away so she followed me home to my condo. 

[MF] welcome to the family wedding hookup (35)

I haven’t posted in a while but this was a fun one. Sister is getting married and it’s lovely outdoor wedding. My ex that I lost my virginity to some 15 years beforehand is at the wedding, she lives 1200 miles away but had stayed friends with my sister. She’s now married with two kids and still has a banging body 5-7, dirty blond hair, great legs, C cup and tight. As the wedding progresses she’s making it more and more clear that anything I want is available; she had traveled solo to the ceremony.

I’d been working out for 3 months leading up to the wedding so I’m looking and feeling my best, very confident (6 ft tall, athletic 195 lb build, blue eyes). I really wanted to bang one of the bridesmaids, a smoking hot petite blond, also married, possibly down to fuck who I had known since childhood but I was not sure it was going to be an option. As the night goes on, my now brother in law’s cousin starts to chat me up. She is early 30’s, same as me, successful career, no kids. She’s probably 5-4 and no more than 110 lbs. Strawberry blond with freckles and mischievous way about her. She has a long flowing dress on but it’s clear her body is tight. The ex is still throwing out all the signs but I’m shooting her down and content to see what happens with the cousin.

Ta[M]ing the ice princess (hot [F] bartender) (NSFW)

Nicky was 28 at the time and a bartender at a well known restaurant with all female hot waitresses where I was a young manager at 24 years of age.  She was aging out of the restaurant biz and moving to a professional career in nursing, but held on to the occasional night weekend bar tending shift (read: moneymaker) like a crocodile holds on to prey. 

She was an east coast Italian girl with a toned athletic frame, about 5-7, naturally tan but even more so during summer beach season. She also had a healthy amount of attitude.  Regular customers loved her and took good care of her.  Her attractive face and body paired well with her smart ass vibe.  I’m such a smart ass too (guess that’s how I end up with these type of chicks) so our banter could get pretty heated and we certainly played it up to customers at times which was always good for a laugh and some more bucks in her tip jar. 

She was sassy enough to earn the nickname ice princess and I think that was a play off of the fact she was a figure skater when she was younger and still had some shapely legs and curves on her butt to prove it.

[MF] Got a random ride home from a hot 23 yr old, 3 weeks later got the real ride (NSFW)

It was a random weeknight at a neighborhood bar that I used to hit semi regularly.  The bar usually leaned towards an older 35+ local crowd but occasionally could get more lively.  It also featured an outdoor patio with maybe 12 assorted picnic tables where my buddy and I were seated when a very eye catching tall, young blond walked by to head inside.  She was maybe 23 or 24, 10 years my junior and was in wedge heels, a green cloth skirt and a white sweater.  She was easily the hottest girl in the bar, toned & confident… confident enough to be solo at the bar in fact after a long day at her tech job. 

(I’m a clean cut, 6ft tall guy, athletic and also work in tech)

Yep, that’s right, I quickly found out she was solo because as soon as I saw her go to the bar I made a move.  Partially to show my buddy I still had game and partially because I liked the thrill of the chase despite having a girlfriend at the time. And she was hot!!  I didn’t really think anything would happen but after sidling up to the bar and assessing the situation I had her back at our table within a minute or two.  Fun chit chat I thought and my buddy was quick to bring up my girlfriend — weak move but I’m sure he thought it would better his chances with “Cindy” as we chatted, laughed a bunch and sipped beers.

[MF] A Sunday surprise from my Ex GF’s hot cousin (NSFW)

Around the time I was 30-35, a light went off in my head and I went from being pretty average with women to hitting some damn home runs. I had a realization that I could get girls far better looking than me with just a little bit of initiative. (If you want my “cheat code” for what I did I’m happy to share)

I am a reasonably attractive guy, 6 ft tall with an athletic 205 lb. build, dirty blond hair and blue eyes. No tattoos, well educated and sometimes mistaken for being military. I’m fairly outgoing, social, and I enjoy drinking beer so I have to watch what I eat a little bit too. I have a pretty decent sized cock (cut and thick).

[FFM] xpost sex stories – 3 people lose their 3 some virginity in one hot night

By my early 30s I had had so many threesome opportunities go awry I was beginning to wonder if or when one would ever go right.  Someone got too drunk, someone passed out, someone had an attack of conscience or some interruption, blah blah blah but for whatever reason, none of the many chances had ever worked out just perfect.

There was a time in Vegas where I got the girls to the hotel after a couple weeks of us building it up then Leigh was way too drunk and I didn’t even get round two with Nikki who was horny as hell.  I was sure that one was gonna happen but nope, failed again.

I started seeing Adrian (name changed for privacy) after meeting one of her students through an online dating site.  A little odd, but the student and I had been chatting and randomly she tells me she’s started seeing someone but her barely older than her professor is single and the two of them are going out with a couple other hot girls including the professor’s younger sister.  Sounded like a good time, I grabbed a buddy and explained I had never met any of the 4 girls we’d be meeting up with downtown but let’s go see what’s up and have some drinks with them, a fairly easy sell all things considered.