Anybody home? [F] [M]

She entered his apartment and heard the water running.

Perfect. He won’t be expecting me.
Sliding off her simple floral slip dress and trainers, she walked towards the bathroom. Next she took off her bra and threw it on the floor. Her panties next.

Pushing the door ajar, she slipped inside. The glass door was foggy, but she made out his broad shoulders, which were facing the wall. He was letting the water just run over his head, and was very still.

She gently whispered “hey.”

He stirred, and smiled.

“Mind if I join? It’s freezing outside.”

He grabbed her and kissed her, pulling on her plump lower lip. He bit down and sucked, and she gave a little welp.

Normally he liked to take things slow. And shower sex was always a little tricky. But today he was different.

“You ok?”
“Better than ever.”
He smiled wryly, and she couldn’t work out what his little smirk was for. He grabbed the peppermint scented shower gel and soaped up her breasts. He held them gently, and kissed her nose. She giggled and he continued, soaping down across her stomach, between her legs, down her left leg, then down her right. He carefully massaged all over her body until he was satisfied that she was clean.