I [f] fucked my best friend [m] on Christmas

I’ve been friends with Jordan since the second grade. In fact we’re best friends. The only issue is that we went to different colleges. I hadn’t seen him for two years before this happened. What “this” is, is something that we’ll get into soon.

Of course we called and texted but I hadn’t seen what he looked like as he’s a private person with no social media and we never got around to facetiming or never saw the point in it. From what I remembered at the time he was a scrawny 5 foot 8 awkward little boy with messy black hair, thick glasses, some acne, and a wardrobe that consisted of mainly neon colored gym clothes even after significant effort I put into trying to take him to the mall. What I saw when I came over to his family’s home for Christmas blew me away.
I arrived at Jordan’s parents’ beautiful home in the suburbs(daddy’s money) full of anxiety as I was fifteen minutes late as usual. The modern style architecture smothered in Christmas lights stuck out like a sore thumb among all the boring old classic suburban homes, also smothered in Christmas lights. I rushed to the front door tripping over the thick layer of snow and gave two brief knocks before impatiently walking in.