The Permanently Naked Girl

Im writing a very niche fantasy story about a girl who is a legal nudist in the clothed world. She achieves this status by claiming it to be a religious belief. Shes granted the permission to legally be naked- but the agreement cant be reversed. Im gonna post the first couple parts. Its a very, very rough draft- but looking for feed back and suggestions

here it goes:

It was known that by the year 2025, nudist colonys that had been built decades ago had expanded. One such colony, known as Clearsprings, was originally a small resort with a few private properties. It became very popular throughout the years, growing by money raised and donated by members. It’s success is mostly due to a very wealthy supporter, who purchased an enormous sum of property- and donated it to Clearsprings. By the mid 90’s, many restruants and other small business had a well established presence- grocery stores, pharmacies, and other common vendors taking advantage of the growing community. By 2001, the resort was virtually it’s own city.