[M]y work has [F]oundametaly changed…

So something happened tonight and it’s playing out in my mind and making me get hard just thinking about it, so I need to share it with you guys as keeping it a secret could be a difficult task.

(Names have been changed in this story)

Long story again, so make yourself comfy and I hope you’ll enjoy what I’m about to describe…

So tonight at work we were all gathered for the brief and there is a young couple there in their very early 20’s that works with me – although in a different part of the building doing different tasks.

As usual they were just about on time and stood in front of me. He was on me left, she – in front of me. She looked extremely amazing today – just a light make-up, her lips done red and just a touch of mascara. I could smell her from just a few inches away and for some hard to imagine reason I started getting really hard, to a point that made me look around to ensure that not one person can see my boner.

[MF] The one where she squirts and we got caught…

So after such a warm and positive welcome from you guys – and since work tonight is quiet – I’ve decided to share another story from my past relationship.

For those who read my first post – it’s about the same girl that decided I should be her first.

The interlude:

When we first got together she was this petite angel, that is going to church every Sunday, prays before EVERY meal, does weekly confessions at church and generally is closer to God that it was appealing to me. Nothing wrong with that – I just had/have a different world view.

She did however exhibit certain behaviours and attitudes that made me think that there is more under the surface.

So after coming back from that weekend away when I was able to take her virginity she turned into a little succubus.
She was horny all the time and wanted me every time we have had a chance to do it. And I mean literally every time – our life changed from spending time together after work or when we met, to just fucking every time we see each other. There is really no other way to describe it.