[MFM] [Confession] A camping trip that may have gotten me into a new fetish or two.

Hey everyone! So I’ve told this story to some people before and one of them said I should share it to here! It’s my first time writing out a real story so please give me feedback! Sorry if I’m remembering things incorrectly. Feel free to comment!


This story begins with me and a girl I like a lot. From the moment I saw her I thought she was beautiful. She was cute, blue eyes, blonde hair and a nice smile. I got to know her in class, and we chatted about whatever. Occasionally we’d study together and we became closer friends becasue of it.

Fast forward and we’re still pretty good friends and I know I find her really attractive. I’m not sure how to grow a pair and ask her out but she invited me to some of her parties and asked to hang out here and there when classes were done. She was flirty at first but then slowly things sorta fizzled out. I should have made a move but I didn’t.. So I was thinking of ways to finally ask her out and we decide with a big group of friends to go camping. I haven’t really gone camping before but she does all the time with her family. So I was hoping maybe we’ll get to share a tent or something and spend more time together.