My best friend’s dad fucked me in an parking lot, and I didn’t even try to stop him [FM].

When I was a sophomore in college, this happened to me.

I hadn’t seen in over a month and a half. When I saw him last he was licking my pussy, so I gave him my underwear and he stuffed them in his pants before leaving with my roommate. It was the beginning of a new semester, and I was curious as to what he had been contemplating in that time. Was he making an effort to ignore me, or was he jerking off with my underwear night after night?

When I arrived at the dorm, my roommate and her parents were setting up their belongings. My roommate enthusiastically embraced me, and I cheerfully waved at her family.

“Good to see you again, ; hope the holidays were wonderful and that you received many thoughtful gifts.” Mrs. Jacobs waved back and raved about the fantastic vacation they had just returned from. After awkwardly said, “,” he quickly turned away to hide his embarrassment.

[FM] 23 I took a guy’s virginity in the most outrageous way

Okay, so that was four days ago. Since it’s summer break right now, there are literally always parties, and while I’m not working my part-time job, I’ve been going to a lot of them. While getting wasted with friends is always enjoyable, I mostly go to hook up, lol. Due to the fact that he is a first-year student, I barely knew this guy when we started chatting around a week ago He added that he was attending a party that I just so happened to be attending while we were talking. He was actually rather adorable and seemed like a decent hookup.

I dressed somewhat sensually the night of the party, but I guess I do it all the time lmao. I was dressed in booty shorts and a jean jacket with a black Lacey bra underneath that I left unbuttoned.

When I arrived, everything started out as usual with drinking, hanging out with friends, and other nonsense. I told one of my friends who I intended to hook up with, and she informed me that he is reportedly a virgin.