[MF] My Crazy Hot Encounter with Lily: Part 3

Hello and welcome, everybody. This is part 3 of the true not-so-tall tale of my encounter with Lily. I highly recommend reading [part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/p90dym/mf_my_crazy_hot_encounter_with_lily_part_1/) and [part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/pawhxa/mf_my_crazy_hot_encounter_with_lily_part_2/), as it includes a lot of context and intro material.

Now for the story.

I turned on the shower, and Lily stepped in.

“What temperature do you like it at?” I asked.

“I usually take my showers cold.”

I shrugged. I personally like mine to be as hot as I can stand, so we settled on “warm enough.”

“May I use the soap on you?”

“If you would like,” she grinned.

Putting soap on my hands, I felt up and down Lily’s body, “cleaning” her. She did the same for me, and we rinsed off and stepped out.

“Would you like to try the toy?” I asked. I had purchased a rabbit vibrator for our fun, and she had only seen a photo of it.

She nodded giddily.

I asked Lily to lay down on the bed. She obliged, and spread her legs for me. I unwrapped the toy from the washcloth I had stored it in.

“Oh my God,” she laughed.

[MF] My Crazy Hot Encounter with Lily: Part 2

Hello and welcome, everybody. This is part 2 of the true not-so-tall tale of my encounter with Lily. I highly recommend reading [part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/p90dym/mf_my_crazy_hot_encounter_with_lily_part_1/), as it includes a lot of context and intro material.

Now for the story.

“You’re very hard to read,” Lily commented.

“What would you like to know?”

“I just want to know what the vibe is.”

I started grinning. Truthfully, my mind was flitting back and forth between the scenery and the image of her on my bed in her underwear.

Lily and I returned from our walk around the block. I spent the entire time imagining all the things we were going to do.

We returned to my apartment, and quickly began making out. Her shirt was removed quickly, along with mine, and we walked into my bedroom. I wasted no time in re-removing her skirt, and pushed her onto the bed.

I kissed her lips, then down her jaw, back to behind her right ear, and down her neck. I trailed my lips down her chest as she rocked her body. Then down her abdomen, kissing gently, and slowly making my way around the apex of her thighs.

[MF] My crazy hot encounter with Lily: Part 1

Hello and welcome, everybody. Today, I will be telling you a true not-so-tall tale about my recent encounter with Lily.

As for the required details: Names, places, and small details have been changed to protect the naughty. I’m also a native English speaker, and on a computer, not mobile, so any errors are due to sheer incompetence.

This tale comes from both Lily and myself, with her notes added in as she chooses. Everything occurred this past weekend, so the details are still mostly fresh, save for the sieve that is my own brain.

Lily is a beautiful woman, of average height, with brunette hair that falls gently to her mid back. She is a 34B, with a beautiful ass, and a fearless smile. She likes to party.

Lily’s description of me: Aston is slightly taller than I am with soft brown hair that just grazes his shoulders. He’s got deep blue-green eyes and long fingers that were used to coding, but are skilled at other things as well.

Now, for the story.