[MF] Still don’t know for sure if I was molested by a handicapped woman..

Years ago in my bachelor period after my first relationship I decided to try internet-dating. Smart phones did not exist yet so there were no apps like Tinder or whatever people use these days. I applied to the two largest dating websites at that time in The Netherlands, Lexa and Relatieplanet. Not so much to look for a steady relationship but to hang out, do some things together etc. I made a nice, bit quirky profile, uploaded some of my better pictures and to my amazement (I am certainly no Brad Pitt) I now and then got a reply from some women. Mostly we would mail for a time and if that went well we would go on a date.

One day I got a message from a cute red-headed woman, let’s call her Anne, but strangely she only had pictures of her upper half. In my profile I said that I had been to Egypt and apparently she also had visited that country. The first week I think we mailed each day, Anne was fun to write with and we really opened up to each other. Until I got a serious sounding mail from her. “Uhmm, I have to say I really like you, but I must admit I have a secret.. Perhaps I should have said it at the beginning but it already scared away some men. You know, I am handicapped.. I am in a wheelchair because I have a deformity of my legs.” I was taken aback for a short moment, that is why Anne only had photos of her upper half, but almost immediately thought like, what does it matter?

[MF] Fucking a young “groupie” (and regretting it later)

Years ago I was the bass player in a local band. We played symphonic rock/metal in the vein of Nightwish and The Gathering (actually we had the same rehearsal space as the latter). Practice was once a week and once or twice a month we had a gig. We didn’t make any money, what we got from the performances was barely enough to cover things like petrol, guitar strings and the rehearsal space. But it all was pure unadulterated fun! Us against the world, friends together. I still can remember my first party with the band when our drummer (he was the youngest, I the oldest with 27 yo) turned 18 and his then girlfriend organised a female stripper for him (!). As I gazed upon the spectacle, with a beer in my hand, of him tied to a chair with the stripper swirling almost naked around the lucky lad, I thought “This is the life!”.

[MF] Lost the keys to the handcuffs…

In an [earlier story](https://www.reddit.com/r/SluttyConfessions/comments/ep2rvm/fucked_my_kinky_ex_girlfriend_in_a_public/) I told about the relationship I had some time ago with a kinky girl much younger than myself. Let’s call her Inga (my nickname for her was Inga Fuckalotti… [Here](https://i.imgur.com/syEuUZO.jpg) is an old picture of her). Back then she was living together with her mother (her parents were divorced) in a small flat apartment. Usually I picked her up in the weekends at a certain time outside of her flat and we would go to my place to hang out and have sex. First I would bring her back the same day, later she started sleeping over. I didn’t think her mother knew we were together the first half year. I had seen her only once, quickly, without even speaking to her. Inga did not have a good relationship with her mum and preferred to tell her as little as possible.

[MF] My second time, also with a prostitute

First of all I would like to say that, like my first entry here, this isn’t a story where a woman is plowed hard again and again by a man with a big rock-hard dick who just keeps on going with lots of cum in the end. Like in many other tales I read here. I was an insecure young man with lots of issues back then. Sorry if you can’t masturbate to this. But I do hope you can laugh about it.

A few months after I lost my virginity in an encounter with a prostitute (described elsewhere here) it started to “itch” again. A friend already told me “Once you get laid, you want more and more”. And he was right. Fortunately my parents went away for a weekend to family where they would sleep over. Like always I would stay at home and enjoy my freedom. Which I did because they barely had left the house when I rang up the escort-agency I had used before. Once again the lady on the phone was nice, I “ordered” a slim, young girl and arranged a time for the evening.

[MF] Lost my virginity to a prostitute

I am so glad I am finding all these subreddits so I can get some things off my chest that no one or few people know. Years ago I (m42) finally lost my virginity to a prostitute. I was 24 years old when all my friends had been laid and of course bragged about it. I was as green as gras, women came not from Venus but from a whole different dimension. In other words, I never managed to find a girl let alone kiss or have sex with one. And I was so bloody horny all the time..

Somewhere in the summer my parents (I still lived in the parental house back then) went on a vacation to a park with holiday houses. I stayed at home, enjoying my freedom. On the last full day of my parents holiday I decided I was sick and tired of being a virgin. In the local newspaper there often were ads from escort-agencies in the neighbourhood. So full of nerves I called one up, I think it was the biggest in the region. The lady on the phone was very nice. She asked what I wanted (a young and slim girl) and we arranged a time in the evening. I already had a boner thinking about it.