The Man I Babysat For [Mf] [Cheating] [Age gap]

***This is unrelated to my previous babysitter story.***

The door swung open and, as expected, I was met with the intoxicating aroma of cedar wood and musk. Its familiarity didn’t render its effect on me any less potent, and in fact, I yearned for it throughout the week when it wasn’t there.

“Hello Emily.” Said Mr DeLuca with a warm smile.

The way he’d say my name with that smooth, voice of his sent shivers down my spine. And that smile, drove me wild. I’ll never forget the first time I saw it and the butterflies I had for the rest of the day.

I was just eighteen when I first met Mr DeLuca. I had taken up babysitting his two kids every Saturday night whilst he and his wife attended their date. It was good money, especially considering that I was still in high-school and just looking for a little extra change. But from the moment I met him, I was smitten.

The Cooties Virus: An Introduction

I stopped counting the days since the virus broke out.

You’d have thought the fuckers would’ve starved by now, yet the Walkers keep piling up and we’re seeing more and more Runners by the day.

Oh, I should probably explain.

What we’ve dubbed as ‘The Cooties Virus’, is some kind of infection, likely spread by exchange of bodily fluids, that brings on an uncontrollable and insatiable need to mate with the opposite sex. I’d use the term breed but to make things stranger, it seems the infection also causes infertility.

Newly infected are called ‘Runners’. This is when they have peak energy and operate on pure adrenaline. They’re agile, dexterous and don’t tire out. The second they see or hear you, they sprint or climb, full speed in your direction. The biggest advantage we have on them is that, like the rest of the infected, they’re not difficult to outsmart. Infected minds are driven so crazy with lust that they have little brainpower to use for complex problem solving.

Student Seduction [Mf] [Teacher/Student]

In a room full of scrawny, pimply-faced teenagers, Amber Lopez stuck out like a sore thumb.

All she was doing was studying and yet I couldn’t take my eyes off her. The way she gently chewed her lip, idly twirling her dirty blonde hair around her finger as she gazed down at her notebook was so sexy.

Like her classmates, Amber was just eighteen. But she had a body that was all woman. From her large, motherly breasts to her mouth-watering, thick thighs and the long legs that held them. Even without her voluptuous curves, there would be no denying her beauty. Her smooth, caramel skin was utterly flawless. And when she looked at you with those honey-brown orbs, and that doe-eyed expression that never left them, it was like she was staring into your soul.

One look was all it would take to make your heart and cock throb in unison.

Of course as her teacher, I tried to not pay such things attention. But her already powerful allure was aided by the too short or too tight garments she favored; skirts and dresses that’d let you peak at her thighs. Shirts and tank tops where her breasts threatened to spill out from at any moment.

The Babysitter [Mf] [Cheating]

I should have closed the door.

When I opened it and saw a stunning, young, redhead smiling back at me, I should have closed the door. Her eyes conveyed innocence on the surface but I saw the hint of devilishness that laid behind them.

Her name was Elliana and she was exceptionally beautiful. She had vibrant, fiery hair that curled and spiraled like lava flowing from her scalp down to her waist. The bright sea of orange and the sparkle of green in her eyes contrasted with the creamy, whiteness of her porcelain skin.

I was enamored with her smile from the moment I saw her soft, pink lips stretch across her pale face and form dimples in her freckled cheeks.

She was just twenty years old; a local college student. I had been advertising for a babysitting job to anyone looking for a little weekly injection of cash on the side. My wife, Maria and I had yet to agree on any potential candidates, though she was very uninterested in the process from the start.

The Babysitter [Mf] [Cheating]

I should have closed the door.

When I opened it and saw a stunning, young, redhead smiling back at me, I should have closed the door. Her eyes conveyed innocence on the surface but I saw the hint of devilishness that laid behind them.

Her name was Elliana and she was exceptionally beautiful. She had vibrant, fiery hair that curled and spiraled like lava flowing from her scalp down to her waist. The bright sea of orange and the sparkle of green in her eyes contrasted with the creamy, whiteness of her porcelain skin.

I was enamored with her smile from the moment I saw her soft, pink lips stretch across her pale face and form dimples in her freckled cheeks.

She was just twenty years old; a local college student. I had been advertising for a babysitting job to anyone looking for a little weekly injection of cash on the side. My wife, Maria and I had yet to agree on any potential candidates, though she was very uninterested in the process from the start.