A post-coital scene [M/F]

With one last push, his orgasm subsided. She lay under him, his dick slowly beginning to soften inside her. He pushed himself up onto his elbows, looking down at her, smiling.

“That was…” he trailed off.

She giggled and kissed him softly, squeezing him gently with her pussy muscles. He groaned and shifted over her, kissing her cheek, then her neck. She arched her back, her chest still flushed, and his lips moved down to her breasts, wet kisses mixing with beads of sweat, moving to her nipples as he started to slide himself out.

She rolled over onto her side, and he laid down next to her, sliding one arm under the corner of her neck, wrapping his other around her, laying it along one of her arms, lacing his fingers into hers. She snuggled back into his chest, feeling his warmth, their skin sticky against each other.

Sliding his arm off of hers, he moved his hand to one of her breasts, cupping it gently, lifting himself up and kissing her cheek again. She turned her face toward him, and felt his lips brush the corner of hers. Twisting herself further, she half-faced him, and his lips met hers again, softly, lips closed and firm, the soft and parted, every so slightly, the tip of her tongue just brushing the tip of his.

College girl takes big dick at her first porn shoot [M/F]

The lights were bright and the room felt cold. Her heart was beating into her throat now, her legs feeling heavy. She sat on the bed, legs folded neatly under her, looking at the camera on the tripod in front of the bed and trying not to feel awkward.

“I’m Claire, and I’m twenty,” she was saying, her face hot. Her hand fumbled with the hem of her skirt.

“I’m here today to make my first porn video,” she was continuing, following the camera man’s prompts.

The “male talent” was sitting in the corner off camera. His name was Matt, and thankfully he was actually nice. He had picked her up from the airport, and had spent the drive over just chatting, making sure she was sure she wanted to go through with it (“girls back out at the last second all the time, there’s really no pressure, Claire”), and preparing her for what to expect in the hotel room.

Right now she wished it was him holding the camera, but that wasn’t his job. The camera guy (Gary? Jerry?) was fine too, really more of a photography nerd than anything else. He was married, which made her more comfortable, and had assured her when she walked in the room that her flight back was already secured, and if she left now there would be no reprisal, etc. etc.

A detailed blowjob [M/F]

He wore a dress shirt and slacks, and she wore a flowery romper. Her cleavage was on full display, and her hair was already tousled from making out in the elevator up. She had grabbed his bulge at one point, and knew he was already half-hard.

When they entered his apartment, his mouth was on hers again before the door closed, and her feet barely brushed the floor as he moved the two of them to the couch. His hands felt strong on her waist, and his cologne was intoxicating. The slight whisker burn she had on her cheeks made her blush, and she knew her lipstick was probably already smeared.

Sitting down on the couch, he pulled her on top of himself, taking her neck gently in his hands and kissing her jaw line, then behind her ear. She straddled him, grinding against his bulge. He pulled at her waist, pressing her down, kissing her again, their tongues meeting and exploring each other. She could feeling him getting hard against her mound, and bucked her hips, rubbing her clit against his dick.

Picked up in the club [M/F] (possibly Part 1)

She and Angie got there around 8 pm, just an hour after they had planned. The uber driver had been a little creepy, but that seemed to happen often enough when they went out dressed out they were. Angie was in a tight black dress, stopping a third of the way down her thigh. Sarah wore daisy dukes that her cheeks just peaked out of (“real classy, Sarah, yep,” Angie had said), and a low cut flowing blouse. She had planned our outfit to show just a bit of cleavage, but her boobs were exposed all the way down to the top edge of her brand new black demicup.

Angie was newly single, and Sarah hadn’t had a relationship in two years. “Maybe we’ll meet someone,” Angie had teased–but Sarah wasn’t really looking. She was too focused on getting into law school lately, and she was really there to support Angie and let herself feel sexy for a few hours.

“So have you heard from him?” Sarah asked as they sat down at a table in the corner.

“Umm, no?” Angie answered, looking at the cocktail menu.

“Babe, you have to cut him out.”

Her first time with her bull

“Okay babe we’re going in! Text you soon :)”

She hit send, her hands trembling. This had been years in the making. When Mike brought it up the first time, she couldn’t even process what she was hearing. How could he possibly want that? Was it a trick? Was he testing her? Did he secretly want to see other women?

Fast forward to two weeks ago, getting drinks with Tom for the first time, realizing how much more comfortable she felt with him than she had thought. Even Mike had seemed at ease. When she had sat next to Tom instead of Mike at their second meeting, she had seen a twinge of jealousy in Mike’s eyes, but after another couple hours of good talk, everything had been okay.

Today had been totally different. Constant nerves–she hadn’t eaten well, and even Mike had almost had second thoughts. But they had talked it through again. This is a one time thing and then we’ll reassess. We have a strong marriage. We communicate well. Tom has been nothing but respectful and patient.

And so she had sent Tom the all good text, and he had picked her up, and now they were at his place.