[F] Exposing myself to Thailand…and their people.

So I have been on holiday for 5 days in Thailand and yesterday after swimming in the sea I decided to use the shower facilities beach side, to my surprise it was warm and very refreshing after a swim in the sea, although it was very warm the weather has been changing a lot recently and it was quite cloudy yesterday. So I had a shower by the beach and as I was enjoying it so much I decided to have a full rub of my body, including my breasts and area downstairs. I took my bikini top and bottoms off and enjoyed a warm shopower by the beach. there was a door that I locked and although you could easily peak inside if you came over and leaned in, it was obvious I was using it so nobody bothered me. After my shower I then had the realisation that all I had was a dress, light pink/white in my bag. I didn’t want to put my bikini back on after a shower so I put the dress on and left. My hotel is only 800meters away from the beach up a hill so there was no need to panic. As I walk away I started to realise that my nipples were actually in show, although not that obviously, but when excited they became erect which I got for some reason. I just though I should get home and it would be fine. I had a few looks but nothing serious. On the way home I decided to have a look in the family mart for some water and snacks to eat. The weather wasn’t great so I jumped in before it looked like raining. After buying my food and drink I walked back out and it was raining slightly, I didn’t worry. The. After about a minute e weather started to get heavier, the rain was soaking In to my dress and out of horror was starting to make patches see through, I could see my tattoo through the top which meant other things could be seen as well. I tried to cover my private areas but as the rain started to get heavier, it became almost impossible. By the time I got to my compound I was soaked and all my clothes were sticking, the security guard gave me a hello which was much friendlier than normal and as I walked through reception there was a group of people just staring at me, including a group of guys clearly enjoying themselves. I wanted to get into my room as quick as possible, but the torture wasn’t over, I got into the lift and started rising then the door opened a few floors earlier than mine, a man and his wife got in….they both massively checked me out and even said something to each other…I think in Russian, this could of been anything but they were clearly talking about myself. I left the lift got into my hetel room and looked in the mirror. My nipples were erect through embarrassment, my hair all over my face and even my small pubic hair strip was visible through my dress, I was practically naked for all Thailand to see.