[F] Husband buy me “unapologetic” dress for my slut body. I think it so beautiful

Few weeks ago, I went to work event with my Husband where a dress code was implemented at the last minute because the woman running the event hates me and how I dress. I tried my best to comply with her last minute dress code, but I have a slut body and I don’t own any dresses that fit her dress code. She yelled at me in the middle of the party and threw her drink into my face and called me a disgrace of a wife and as a woman. It was really dramatic and I kind of cried a lot about it, but I’m ok now! All of you men give so support messages and comments and my Husband is the best, so I’m ok now! Was just a lil low after the event, but I bounce back ๐ŸŒž

Today, my Husband tells me there’s another work event and that I need to go to show the bad guys (woman) they didn’t win. The event isn’t run by the same woman, but she’ll be there. Because of this, Husband says I need to show up wearing an “unapologetic dress” to show her she can’t win. So he bought me this really beautiful small little see-through dress that I think is so beautiful. He take photo of me in it and I pin on page if you want to see. I’m glowing it’s so nice of a dress I love it. Hope you men like it too.