-this like happened when I was 19-20 and she had to be in the 25-35 age range
– this hot neighbor moved away as of now
– not gonna be as good as some of the stories here lol but it is what I got :p
So I live in a good middle class neighborhood and there’s a community pool and such stuff like that. So the houses are so close together it would take 15 seconds to reach their door , so close!
These neighbors had been with us since we moved to this neighborhood. And it was not till a couple months I found out that there’s this hot woman who’s like a totally snack to me at the time lol. The family in the house consisted of a husband , wife , a little child , and this hottie of a woman. Time passes on and we would see them in their driveway doing something…it could something big or small . This hottie would be around too , sometimes she would walk her dog too . She was laid back in that she wore pants a lot and tank tops … like normal stuff lol . But I did notice she had a nice rack and i could see it well depending what she wore that time. I think she had her own share of problems but I thought she was sexy af. I’m sure I see her smoke and stuff too .
It wasn’t long till I would have wet dreams about this hottie and me lol … sounds kiddish now.
Some of them would be me sneaking to her house when she was alone to get a quickie done everywhere on her house . A lot of the time she would open the fort in a bathrobe so I knew what to do lmaoo . Everyone can fill in the rest lol .
Other times I would be alone at my house , in real life this is rare lol , and she’s run over to her house and we would fool around and do it in my bed . These dreams would be me stripping her slowly and mesmerizing her so badly . I have a jacuzzi on my house and some dreams involved that too .. y’all can fill the rest lol .
I never did anything bc I don’t think it would work and plus we never talk to them much .
But damn lol what have been maybe 1% chance .
Like I said ….they moved as of now and a new family is in that house . We met them and they’re nice . They have one child less than 3 years old .
The end